A narrow dirt trail winding through a forest, lined by tall trees with a mix of green foliage and exposed bark. Pine needles and small rocks cover the path, which leads towards a body of water visible in the background. Bright orange markings on a tree indicate the trail direction. Greenbriar Hodges Village Dam mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 15 mi (24.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +20/ -20 ft
Total: 21 riders

Mountain Biking Greenbriar Hodges Village Dam

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#51 of 223 mountain bike trails in Massachusetts
#3,494 in the world

The terrain here is varied you can expect lots of rock and rooty New England singletrack with some decent riding thrown in. Very wet in the spring and after rains, but otherwise, well-ridden trails that are alot of fun. If you park at the dam and head to the far end of it, there's some great roller coaster riding. The rest of the park offers up plenty of doubletrack and singletrack. Some good climbs and descents all over - something for everyone.

First added by Fitch on Jun 19, 2006. Last updated Apr 29, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Get off the Pike in Auburn and head west on Route 12. At the intersection of Route 20 and Route 12 in Oxford, park in the Wal-Mart parking lot. On the Route 20 side of Cumberland Farms across the road, enter into the riverbed and ride until you hit the road again (2 mi). Bear left to Route 12 and go a mile down Rt. 12 to Clara Barton Road on your right. Take a left towards the Mass Elec plant and take the steep climb on your right. This leads you to the Power Lines where you can ride to your heart's content. The real riding is taking a left into the first singletrack on your left.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Oxford, Massachusetts

| 30 mi
| 15 mi
Intermediate | 15 mi
Intermediate | 7 mi

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  • timothycormier555

    There is so much to explore on this property. I have gone several times a week for a few years on wheels or on foot and I still haven't touched it all. It connects to the Midstate which, if you pay attention, connects you with Buffumville trails. On both the East and the West of the river, there are multiple networks of trails of differing difficulty. If this was the only place to ride in the area, one would not get bored.

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  • singletrack20

    This is my favorite place to ride in
    MA! The area is divided by the French River in 2 sections. The East Side marked with blue blazing for non-motorized use starts off with an easy trail a few feet wide with many single track trails to the sides including some gas line trails. The midstate trail passes through the area. The West Side marked with orange blazing that allows motorized use ( Motorcycles Only) has a lot of single-track trails but they are not as fun (in my opinion) due to being moto trails. I generally stay on the eastern section when on a bicycle. I park at the east trailhead off Rt 12 near the skatepark and ride down the easy trail until a side trail pops up. Theres also a fun little play area off Rocky Hill Rd, similar to the west play area but better for mtn bikes. Be weary on the dirt road or smooth trails in the west section because some dirt bikes go soooo fassst on them.

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  • Fitch

    If you head west to the end of the dam, there's a great loop for roller coaster-style riding. Lots of fun.

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  • Fitch

    First time back here in awhile with a group ride and it was very enjoyable. The trails seem to all have gotten a bit more use but are in very good shape. The land continues to be fun to check out, and the descent off of the field by the dam is a good ripper. As mentioned, not much climbing but plenty of roots and some small rocks - still a great place for those new to the sport, and I'm betting it makes for a great night ride.

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  • Thornburger

    Parked on the dam side, liked starting out with the drop from the dam. Made my way over to the rock quarry and ran into some dirt bikers. Ended up doing about 20 miles here after trying to explore most of the trails.

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  • PK1

    Lots of singletrack and fireroad. Singletrack can be very rooty with babyheads, fireroads are pretty sandy. Lots of up and down but nothing killer. Overall a fun place to ride.

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  • Fitch

    This dried out a lot more than I would've expected based on the rains this year - there are still some muddy low points, but the singletrack here has been getting some good attention. Orange blazes still offer some fun riding, and the wildlife is great (saw two turkey vultures and a deer).

    Plus, I must have just missed Eastwood, as I rode it on the 29th, as well. * Review edited 5/31/2011

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  • eastwood   ✓ supporter

    Rocky and rooty, but not technical. Fun ride. Heads up for motorcycles, they seem to be riding all trails (I came across two on non-motorized trails). Not much climbing. plenty of blazed trails to follow, it would be hard to get lost (can grab a trail map at the dam).

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  • Fitch

    I second the below - once you get exploring, you can find a lot more trail than what appears to be here, especially past the quarry. Some of the old dirtbike trails lead to more single track offshoots - explore heartily!

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  • larry6969

    the rangers were correct, there is probably 25 to 30 miles of trails between Hodges dam and high tension wires towards the north end of town.mostly single track, some double track,and a small stretch of pavement(watch out for trucks during the weekdays,rock quarry traffic). i grew up in the area and have relearned what i knew as a kid and learned there is a LOT of new trails. in my opinion the best way to access these trails is parking at Hodges village dam. if you start there, there are two ways to start your ride. To get to the dam, just go to Oxford center and follow signs down Charlton st. to Hodges. very tough to get lost because there are public roads within 2 or so miles from most trails.* Review edited 6/24/2010* Review edited 6/24/2010* Review edited 6/24/2010* Review edited 1/5/2012

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  • Wolfspirit71

    Talked to one of the rangers today. Was told there is 30 plus miles here. I had a blast out there today.

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  • Fitch

    If you enter from the Rt. 12 recreation park, take the main trail out of the parking lot entrance until you find the blue blazes. That's the clutch singletrack, though it's currently covered in downed branches from both logging and this winter's ice storms.

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  • Fitch

    Give it some time to dry out after any type of rain, too. There main trail to get to the woods involves passing part of the dam, which commonly overflows, leading you to ride through about 40' of water between 1-2' deep. Soggy socks.

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  • Fitch

    BETTER DIRECTIONS: Take Route 12 into Oxford until you see the big green sign for Green Briar Hodges Recreation park. Drive into the parking lot and you can see the tennis courts, baseball fields, etc.

    MAIN ENTRANCE to the trails is right by the main entrance, which is a small downhill past a swamp. Go through the gate and stay straight, leading you towards the network of singletrack.

    Behind the baseball fields, there is a dirt hill - if you go past it, there is a significant amount of packed quick climbs and descents that is a lot of fun to play around in, as well.

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  • Gigpal

    Not enough climbs. There are singletracks going around the water which are full of rocks and roots. You come across some pits and you come across some motorcycles burms in places, also. There is a paved doubletrack which leads to the singletracks. The singletracks were very hardpacked. I was going in circles a bit, learning my way around. I'm hoping upon returning that there is more to offer that maybe I missed. But, I was looking for more technical where I rode.

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Rider questions

Q: Is this a dog friendly area
A: Yes. Dogs must be leashed