hard pack rolling single tracks while you make your way through the flatter areas. then head up hill for a few mile on some pretty mellow switchbacks. eventually you will come to a sweet over look of the valley. keep heading south on the trail along the ridge, its get a bit sketchy and there are a few hike a bike areas but eventually it ends up with some pretty awesome downhill that leads back into the trail system where you can head back to the car or connect many other loops
To be honest, I'm not really sure which parts of the trail qualify as the "outer rim," since there were no signs. However, if this refers to the entire outer loop, then some sections of it are boring, steep, washed out doubletrack--and others are beautiful benchcut singletrack. However, if this listing just refers to the initial ridge where the powerline crosses, then I only give this a 2 out of 5 stars.
Thank |awesome trail network.
Thank |