A narrow dirt path winds through a wooded area, lined with tall green trees and scattered rocks. The ground is covered with fallen leaves, indicating a mix of autumn and early winter scenery. The sunlight filters gently through the branches, illuminating the tranquil trail. Uwharrie NF: Wood Run, Supertree And Keyauwee mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 20 mi (32.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +557/ -558 ft
Total: 199 riders

Mountain Biking Uwharrie NF: Wood Run, Supertree And Keyauwee

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#60 of 549 mountain bike trails in North Carolina
#1,206 in the world

The Uwharrie Mountain Bike Association has worked hard to establish the Wood Run Mountain Bike Trail System in the Uwharrie National Forest. For good singletrack, do the Supertree and Keyauwee loops. Other trails include Skyrock Trail, Wood Run Road, and Walker Mountain Road. There are plenty of beatiful mountain views and a chance to cross the Uwharrie River. UMBA is always continuing their efforts to maintain and add to these trails. The Uwharrie National Forest is also a great place to camp and you can fish and kayak in Lake Badin.

First added by alvin.santoy on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Address: 4399 N Carolina 27, Troy, NC 27371 "From Greensboro, take US 220 South through Asheboro. Exit on Highway 24/27 West towards Troy. Woodrun Trailhead is 10 miles west of NC 134 in Troy.

Uwharrie NF: Wood Run, Supertree And Keyauwee Trail map

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MTB - Uwharrie Keyauwee Trail Descent
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Troy, North Carolina

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  • tkrumroy

    By far the best trails within an hour any direction of Greensboro. King climbs, fast flowie downhills. All amazing drainage that you can ride even during the rain.

    They just built a new part of the trail (wood run) so park right st the toad. Take the fire road up the hill and it turns into single track inn wood run trails. Super fun warmup. It will drop you down at the stone building (outhouse) where I recommend taking keywhayaiee trail (to the left). It's an amazing rocky climb with super fun downhills and jumps inebrwren. After a huge climb you can cross a fire road and hit Supertree. I recommend staying in the supertree trail all the way back around to the lower parking lot where the stone outhouse is again. Then hit woodrun trail ack up to the upper parking lot and you will be done.

    Absolutely the best trails around. Fast, flowie, about 1400 feet of climbing with the clockwise loop I just described. 13 - miles. I have yet to find anything better in the vicinity of the triad.

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  • Cole_Walker

    Keyauwee is one of my all time favorite trails. All the trail sections in Uwharrie are a ton of fun. White Tail is also a blast. This is a short drive from The Triad, Triangle, or Charlotte.

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    Came here back in spring of 2016, trail was awesome. Now, just two yrs later the trail is not as good as it once was. The nice berms are now just side walls or completely deteriorated.

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  • tonetonitony

    Lets try to keep your BS opinions out of trail reviews Mr narrow mind.

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  • JR Smith

    Had a little bit of everything: uphill, downhill, creek crossings but most of all it had rocks! Good trail, would recommend it for you to try it for yourself. Had a lot of fire trails tied into the loop. Rode Keyauwee to Supertree and it was about 14 miles.

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  • kvegasdirtrider

    Challenging trail if you are used to riding in the Piedmont area. Keyauwee had 3 big climbs in the direction we chose and the last was by far the longest. Lots of rocks and great drainage. A few creek crossings. Trail was 95% dry during the same time period that trials in Greensboro were saturated. Several of the most technical areas were optional. Well maintained. Only 2 downed trees on the 12 mile route we took. Will go back but pace myself more on the early climbs.

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  • SCTallboy

    I parked in the parking lot closest to the highway and took the service road to start my ride. Wood Run trail is on the right after about 1/4 mile. There is signage.

    Wood Run ends in another parking lot for the entrances of Supertree and Keyauwee.

    I started with Supertree (it is to the right). I rode for about 1/2 mile and looked for a trail to the left. (White Tail) It won't be marked, but it is certainly worth the turn. You'll know you're on the right trail when you encounter a few "bike" bridges shortly after entering the trail. After about a mile or so, you'll intersect Supertree. Take a right and finish Supertree - about another 4 miles. You'll end up back in the parking lot.

    From there, I headed into Keyauwee (to the left) and started that loop. At the "top" of the loop, you can either continue on Supertree or take the Wood Run Road (it is a service road) and end up back in the upper parking lot. I then took the service road back to the parking lot closest to the highway. Total mileage was 15 or so. It was hot and the service road was a good cool down.

    Wood Run Trail was nothing special, but a great warm up after being in the car for an hour. I recommend.

    Supertree was a lot of fun. Once you finish the tight single track climb and decent of White Tail, it is mostly all downhill. (Clockwise)

    Keyauwee is rocky and a lot of climbing. Not tough climbing, but a lot of it. The downhills are more technical than Supertree. There are a lot of rocks and some interesting switchbacks. I would not consider this a beginner trail. (Supertree is more on the beginner side)

    All and all, this was a great option to Charlotte trails. You get a little bit of everything; uphills, rocks, decent descents and well groomed trails.

    If I had to do it again, I would have started with Keyauwee and continued on Supertree for a big clockwise loop.

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  • Daniel_Sheets   ✓ supporter

    Great well built trails that flow with the terrain.Almost no washed out places because of great water diverting trail building.Signage is good.Only downside is one trail goes in and out of a fire road several times.

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  • ***

    I loved the 2 down hill bombs and switchbacks on the Keyauwee Trail but i HATED the up hills there was so many of them and they were mostly all steep if it had had more down hills to balance out the trail i would of given it a better rating

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  • WolfNSheepsClothing

    This is a really fun trail system..it's easy to find, it's laid out well, and is reasonably well marked. It starts out on an access road of the Uwharrie National Forest, then you can hop off that to a relatively new connector trail that parallels the road for the most part, to another parking area. From there I recommend going left and riding the trail counter clockwise (see map). The climbs on the trail aren't tough if you're reasonably fit, but those getting started or who mostly ride flatter trails will be challenged. The descents are fast and flowy, with some rocks/roots (nothing too rough), with some jumps, sloped/bermed turns. You can tell these trails are well thought out and we'll taken care of...compliments to the local trail group there.

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  • [email protected]

    Awesome trails, variety of conditions, very challenging. Great climbs fast downhills.

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  • Vladconnery

    Wowww!!!!!!! Who new when everything else is closed because of rain the day before this place is open and a great ride. I rode it clockwise and yes the trail was wet in some areas and had puddles; occasionally the water would be draining down the trail. The footing was always solid no mud even in the puddles. Rocky is always in the eye of the beholder the rocks were small to me which is typical sign of an area that drains well. I really liked the 3 creek crossing which was something different. Some climbs could be rocky and rooty not rooty like White water center though. This trail is the next step up from says a Sherman Branch I would sandwich it between Sherman and Rocky River as far as progression in skill and difficulty. The main reason being the climbs, which were definitely manageable yet challenging. Nothing really steep like RRT or non-existent like Sherman. Uwharrie's climbs are long and have a reasonable grade and contain rocks and roots where RRT climbs are really steep and free of obstacles for the most part. The best part as everyone knows what goes up must come down. This place has really exciting downhill drops. I loved this trail and have moved it into my regular rotation.

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  • gregor

    Aug 10-12/ 2014 Camp/Bike trip on new Giant Anthem X .. Wow great trail .. and conditions .. Cant wait to go back..

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  • gregor

    Excellent tecky single track @ Keyauwee.. 9 /12 /2014
    Greg n B

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  • Have bike will travel

    A great trail with a great workout. I've only ridden it clockwise and there are 3 major hills this direction. So be prepared. I can't help but think how much potential this trail system would have if instead of the end of Keyauwee being on an old logging road, the trail would be located in the woods - like half mile loops off to one side or the other. By the looks of the topography, there wouldn't be anything too steep and would have trememdous flow as it decends to the intersection where Supertree starts. Anyhow, this is my favorite trail and I ride it whenever I get the opportunity.

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  • dmhelm46

    Rode Keyauwee counter clockwise on 4/17/14. Rode the wood run trail to the camp and then the wood run road to the Keyauwee trailhead. Total ride was close to 10 miles. Trail was mostly dry with some small wet spots until around mile 7. There is a 1/4 mile downhill stretch that is narrow and slippery. I believe it is marked with a slow sign. The entire ride is litered with rocks, but nothing that isn't rideable. When going clockwise, the last 2 miles are mostly up hill. It is a fun and sometimes challenging ride. I drove from Raleigh to check it out and wasn't disappointed.

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  • Tunnelhull

    Spent some time on Keyauwee today, most of the trail is cleared now but a couple trees still in the middle of the run and on the very back end of the loop before coming out on the service road. Still can ride it will just take a little longer and off the bike a few times. Thanks to who ever is clearing the trail, shoot me an email and I will come out and lend some labor, I just dont own and chain saw. Mevans27205@gmail OUt today and Keyawe is all clear and even the return service road. time to bun it up again.... Great trail

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  • coffee

    wife and I road woodrun and keyauwee, woodrun is completely clear and a very nice beginner trail keyauwee not so much, 40 to 50% hampered by downed trees it will be a on and off the bike hike; if you ride it clockwise you can get in about 3 miles before dealing with trees is you take the service road to the other side of the trail head which they say gives you more down hill fun you will see trees about 1/2 mile in and your doing plenty of hiking. this will be a great trail once it is finally cleared.

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  • coffee

    The wife and i road woodrun and keyauwee on the 3rd, wood run was clear of all trees and very nice i would call that a beginner trail. Keyauwee was a different story about 40 to 50% is hampered by downed trees if you ride it clockwise you can get in almost 3 miles before dealing with any trees then it becomes a on and off the bike hike. if you take if counter clockwise you will hit trees at about 1/2 mile. we did not try supertree because of the condition of keyauwee and also the extra time taken up by working around the down trees. this trail will be great once completely cleared.

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Rider questions

Q: Where exactly is there a crossing of the Uwharrie River? It's not near any of the maps of Keyauwee or Supertree, so must be near the Lake Badin trails. However, the Uwharrie Forest map only shows the trail running alongside it, not over it.

Q: How do I find a gpx. file to download to my Garmin Edge 1000?