I have a small problem: I love to travel and see new places, but I don’t usually count myself as actually having been somewhere unless I’ve ridden a bike there. This rules out so many awesome experiences, such as visiting historical sites around the world, and makes traveling infinitely more complicated.
But on the other hand, my travels that do involve bikes are infinitely more gratifying and vivid!

One such adventure that has been traditionally counted out is the African safari. Sit in the back of a jeep for days on end, just looking around at the surrounding savannah? Yeah, I suppose that sounds fun… but it could be better.
Well, H&I Adventures has just the answer to this dilemma! Instead of hoping for a glimpse of animals through your metal cage, what about spending 12 days mountain biking across Namibia, getting up close and personal with the wildlife?

According to H&I, “This isn’t safari at arm’s length: from the saddle of your mountain bike you’ll have the freedom to connect directly with the landscapes, wildlife, and local communities you’ll meet along the way. Giraffe, zebra, oryx, kudu…these majestic animals roam freely across Namibia, punctuating your journey with incredible memories. No matter how much wildlife you see during your holiday you’ll never forget your first sighting of a wild animal in its natural habitat!”
For a list of everything included in this 12-day African mountain bike safari, as well as available dates, check out the tour listing on H&I’s website.

Mar 17, 2014