In perhaps another example of mountain biking becoming the next golf, Paul Kedrosky writes “Everything I Know About Business I Learned from Mountain-biking.” Paul makes some good points about looking where you want to go and knowing your limits. Maybe there’s a book idea somewhere in there? Lance certainly does well on the corporate speaking tour translating lessons from pro-cycling into pricey motivational pitches for businesses around the world, why can’t a mountain biker do the same?
One lesson I would add to Paul’s list is tied to his point about embracing crashing. It turns out that in business (as in life) we often learn the most from our failures. Most of us would have never learned to ride a bike, much less learned to put on the gnarly moves, if we hadn’t fallen off a couple times. Analyze your mistake, identify the root cause, and try to do it right the next time(s) until you perfect it.
Maybe instead of building swanky golf courses Trump should be investing in mountain bike parks?