Watch: “Flow” the Trail Dog

This trail dog, named “Flow,” sticks so close that he’s like a third wheel! Deep in the woods of Vermont’s Green Mountains, mountain bikers escape to some of New England’s most pristine singletrack. The thick forests provide a refuge for those seeking adventure. Rider Adam Morse and his dog, Flow, revel in the solitude and …

This trail dog, named “Flow,” sticks so close that he’s like a third wheel!

Deep in the woods of Vermont’s Green Mountains, mountain bikers escape to some of New England’s most pristine singletrack. The thick forests provide a refuge for those seeking adventure. Rider Adam Morse and his dog, Flow, revel in the solitude and transform the green tunnel into a private playground.
Presented by Outdoor Gear Exchange with support from Transition Bikes, Five Ten, and Dakine.

Featuring: Adam Morse and Flowdog
Directed/ Shot / Edited by Sam Davies
Additional Cinematography by Tyler Wilkinson-Ray
Music by Wintersleep – ‘Weighty Ghost’
