Watch: Two Tips for Making Your Bike Shine

Washing your bike without a hose can be a real pain!  When my wife and I moved from North Carolina to Colorado we sacrificed our hose, so I’ve had to get creative with a way to wash my bike. My favorite way to wash bikes is in the shower, because it is a very controlled environment. It …

Washing your bike without a hose can be a real pain!  When my wife and I moved from North Carolina to Colorado we sacrificed our hose, so I’ve had to get creative with a way to wash my bike.

My favorite way to wash bikes is in the shower, because it is a very controlled environment. It is bright, warm, and on cold winter days it’s the best spot for a good bike bath. The only problem is that my wife doesn’t seem to love muddy showers and greasy rags all over the bathroom. Luckily for me a friend showed me this awesome portable “hose.” Use this trick to wash your bike if you don’t have a hose at home or if you want to wash your bike on the go.

Once I’ve got my bike cleaned up I use the secret ingredient to really make it shine. This product is great for removing those tough grease spots or marks that the soapy water just couldn’t get. I wish I could say that it would fix scratches too, but unfortunately it’s not full-blown magic (though it sure seems like it!).