9point8 Releases “The Lightest Dropper Post You Can Buy”

9point8 has just announced their brand-new Fall Line R dropper post, which they are claiming is the “lightest dropper post you can buy.” You can even cut it down to size if the post is longer than you actually need, which makes this the first-ever cuttable dropper! Claimed weight for the post-only, uncut, is 386g. …

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All photos courtesy 9point8

9point8 has just announced their brand-new Fall Line R dropper post, which they are claiming is the “lightest dropper post you can buy.” You can even cut it down to size if the post is longer than you actually need, which makes this the first-ever cuttable dropper!

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Claimed weight for the post-only, uncut, is 386g. Cut weight is 335g. And installed weight (includes typical cut-length of housing, includes supplied lightweight cables and ThumB remote with quick-connector to post), when cut, is less than 400g.

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The weights mentioned above are for their 400x75mm dropper post, with a 75mm drop. The Fall Line R is also available in a 375x125mm model (125mm drop) that isn’t cuttable. Both posts are available in 30.9mm and 31.6mm sizes. The 30.9mm-diameter 125mm-drop post weighs in at 390g, for the post only.

For the ultralight 75mm model, 9point8 notes that despite it being made of aluminum, it’s lighter than carbon droppers on the market today. But despite this ultra low weight, durability has not been compromised. Here’s how they describe it:

The Fall Line R is just as strong and reliable as all our regular Fall Line droppers. Weight reduction has been achieved through rigorous engineering, careful attention to the architecture of the post, and precision machining. There is no rider weight limit for the Fall Line R. Cross country racing is the obvious application of this new seatpost, but it will perform equally well on trail bikes and enduro; anywhere that reduced weight is desirable.

The 75mm model will retail for $489 and the 125mm for $459. These posts will be available Fall 2017.

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