A mountain bike resting on rocky terrain overlooking a scenic valley. The landscape features a mix of urban development and natural elements, with mountains in the background and a golf course visible in the lower foreground. Paradise Rim/turtle Wall mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 4 mi (6.4 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Lariat
Elevation: +401/ -376 ft
Total: 36 riders

Mountain Biking Paradise Rim/turtle Wall

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#110 of 711 mountain bike trails in Utah
#3,035 in the world

This is a great little ride, easily accessible from town. Follow the trail downhill from the parking lot. It will curve toward town then back to the North. At the sign for the Beck Hill Trail (goes into the state park--off limits to bikes), go left (West). After you go through a sandy wash, get ready for the short but sharp climb to the base of the Turtle Wall. The Turtle Wall serves up fun, slightly technical slickrock. Ride along the Turtle Wall to the overlook, then head south, now on the Paradise Rim trail. The trail will make a sharp left and provide some sustaines technical descent that will make you appreciate your suspension. As you continue East, look for singletrack opportunites to the left (North). If you go down, to the right, you'll end up in town and have to climb the pavement back to the parking lot. If you keep curving left, you'll rejoin the Turtle Wall and get to ride the fun part again on the way back.

First added by John Fisch on Sep 25, 2009. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
From St George, head north on Bluff Street. After the intersection with Snow Canyon Parkway/Red Canyon Parkway, turn into the first parking area on the left.
System trails (3)
 difficultyHalfway Wash Trail0.6 mi
 difficultyParadise Rim Trail1 mi
 difficultyTurtle Wall Trail0.8 mi

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  • huntskihike

    A couple of places where the sand is so deep you have to push your bike. I really liked going counter clock wise. Nice gradual climb in a challenging downhill with slick rock on the way down. Great views and easy to navigate.

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  • brett.williams

    I ride this short but varied trail every time I visit St. George. It's close to town, offers slick rock, chunky descents, and some great views. It's mostly doable by a beginner (you'll do some walking) but offers some great descents for the intermediate rider. Last time I rode it three times. Go counter-clockwise for an easier climb and better downhill, but I've done it both ways and had fun.

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  • brett.williams

    I ride this at least once when I visit St. George as it is close to town. Short but with good variety, including slick rock and chunky descents.

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  • wchadwick

    Great trail. Climbing, rocky sections, great views at top, some sandy parts.

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  • [email protected]

    Quick ride but the technical downhill is well worth the trek up. There is mild climbing, especially if you go the longer route to the top, sticking to the right on Beck's Trail. Slickrock up top with great views and fast downhill. There are some good drops if you want to hit them, or you can avoid them if you feel it's a bit sketchy. Great trail!

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  • chburrell

    Really fun and quick. Started at the Chuckawalla Parking and enjoyed the quick drop in. The thin edge around the Turtle Wall outcropping was exciting. The downhill steps were a blast to figure out for a noob like me.

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