A mountain bike leaning against a tree on a dirt trail, with a backdrop of rolling hills and a blue sky dotted with clouds. The surrounding area features dry grass and sparse vegetation, indicating a rugged outdoor setting. Gardner Canyon mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 14 mi (22.5 km)
Surface: Other
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +3,485/ -2,067 ft
Total: 16 riders

Mountain Biking Gardner Canyon

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#198 of 417 mountain bike trails in Arizona
#6,945 in the world

Some of this on dirt roads some on single track some on fire roads. A little bit of everything. A few nice downhills. Long steady climbing as well.

First added by muppetfreak on Sep 24, 2008. Last updated May 1, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From Tucson, take I-10 east to Exit 281 (Highway 83, Sonoita). Follow Route 83 approximately 20 miles to Gardner Canyon Road (Forest Road 92) then turn right (west). Follow Gardner Canyon Road (FR 92) for about .07 miles to the first intersection. Turn right on FR 163 following the signs to Kentucky Camp. Stay on FR 163 until you see the venue. Set up will be along FR 163 a short distance from the intersection of FR 4060. If you go past FR 162, you went too far.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Sonoita, Arizona

| 0 mi
Intermediate | 6 mi

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  • abegold

    AZ 83 to Gardner Canyon Rd about .7 miles to Fish Canyon. There is a AZ Trail marker just beyond the Kentucky Camp road, very rocky part of the trail. From there it winds thru Kentucky Camp, lodging available, and then thru a fun tall grass meadow. You'll start climbing over ridges till you'll reach a steep descent. At the bottom is another dirt parking lot and alternate trail head. This makes the ride much easier, less climbing.
    You'll cross Gardner Canyon Rd and west 200 yards is the trails continuing across a canyon that has water several months of the year. Then the trail climbs to a pretty level section called the Flume as there is a mining flume pipe from the 1880s and intersects a creek that almost always has water. Most turn around here as a wilderness boundary is less than a mile. This is part of an IMBA Epic ride.* Review edited 2/25/2012

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  • vincimus

    I have to be honest, I didn't start where the directions led me. There were several RV's set up and they had multiple ATV's, so I did an about face and went to a different start location, which there are many. While this area is riddled with multiple trails and fire roads, it is not an area I would go out of my way to ride in because of the abundance of motorized ATZ's and the cows. I neglected to mention that the entire area is open range and cows are the dominant life form in the area. In fact, the only thing more prevelant than cows, are cow pies. Be that as it may, the area does offer some great views and the ability to ride for several hours, as long as you are willing to be adventurous. I can't give you any trail courses, you just have to remember where you parked and remember what roads you are riding/crossing. If you are camping and want to camp/ride/explore than this would be a great area for you.

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