If you get a chance check out the Susquehanna Valley Visitors Bureau on the web or stop in Lewisburg along Rt. 15 at the Country Cupboad and pick up a copy of the Mountain Bike Map of Bald Eagle State Forest.
From the Mountain Bike Trail Head lot head back out toward 192 the way you came in and make the right up over the hill on McCall Dam Road. Climb the hill and head down to make a left on Black Gap Road (if you parked on Black Gap ignore the last bit). Right after the parking area on Black Gap Road take the trail to your left and run that all the way out until you cross Black Gap Trail. Turn left up onto Black Gap Trail and run it over to Engle Road. Take Engle to Tunis Road and make a right. A little way down Tunis you will see the signs for Hough Mt. Trail or Hall Trail. Head down this trail. There are a couple ways to get lost on this trail but I'm pretty sure you need to keep right. At the end of Halls Trail make a LEFT on Engle Road and run it down to Black Gap Road. Go Straight through the interection onto Black Gap Road until you see White Deer Creek Trail on the left. Make that left. (Alternate route is to continue straight on Black Gap up the hill to the parking area on Black gap. This eliminates the rocky White Deer Creek Trail.) The White Deer Creek Trail will put you out at McCall Dam State Park. Make a right on McCall Dam Road and head back toward the parking lots. If you parked at Black Gap Road make a right onto Black Gap Road to the parking lot. If you are down at the Trailhead lot keep going on McCall Dam Road and make a left onto Boiling Spring Trail near the top of the hill. This will dump you out just below the lot.