The Italian Enduro Series, Superenduro, is Officially Cancelled for 2020

This was set to be the 12th season for the pro-level mountain bike event series, with races taking place across the north of Italy. Unfortunately, it's now canceled.

The massively popular Italian enduro series, Superenduro, has officially been canceled for the 2020 season. This would have been the 12th season for the pro-level event, with races taking place across northern Italy. Now, those of us who had races planned have some free weekends for camping and adventure once we’re allowed outside.

The pandemic is wreaking havoc on all communities and cultures in unique and devastating ways, and Italy is no exception. A majority of citizens rely on foreign tourism as their sole income source, and it’s impossible to say when travelers will return to the peninsula. Italians have been on a nationwide quarantine since March 9th, with no exceptions for exercise or leisure walks around the block, though fortunately, the number of infections is beginning to level off slightly. The national quarantine decree will be reevaluated in early May.

Have a look at the Superenduro press release below.

Following the recent notification by the Italian Cycling Federation that enforces the stop on all competitions scheduled until the 1st of June, it becomes clear that the 2020 Superenduro Series’ second round – which would have eventually become the first of the season – will not take place either. It would have taken place in Punta Ala on 16/17 May.

The chance of making up for this lost round in October, or even November, is unfortunately quite slim, for many reasons. There is no need to hide the fact that the climate of total uncertainty that surrounds the summer tourist season makes it impossible to shape any logistical/organizational – as much as economical – plan. For this reason, reluctantly but in agreement with the local organizers, we have to cancel the event.

The situation is really complex and requires caution under all points of view. To date, planning a competition for 2020 is really tricky and we cannot afford to take a leap in the dark. We have invited the many sport competitions that PuntAla Camp & Resort would have hosted during this season to postpone their events to 2021 or 2022, confident about the fact that we will be able to support and promote their various activities in a climate that will be much more serene for everyone. We would like to make clear that we will refund the bookings with an ‘ad hoc’ policy, in order to address – as much as possible – everyone’s needs” Thomas Daddi, person in charge at PuntAla Camp & Resort, declares.

In this very special year, we could have re-planned a Series made up of only 3 rounds, with its start in Abetone at the end of June, as per schedule. Let us, however, discuss the idea in the light of our moral obligations, as for a while now this is what has been shaping our vision on things.

We know how strong everyone’s desire is and longing – we all share it – for going out and getting back in the saddle of our bikes, especially for a race weekend with our buddies. However, what would be the vibe? Covid-19 virus is going to be around for a long time and probably we will need to learn how to live with it, waiting for a vaccine or a cure. With this in mind, we think grouping people coming from all over Italy in June would be rather premature and imprudent, as it will be just a few weeks after one of the biggest epidemics that has hit our country and the whole world alike.

Moreover, once returned to normality – or perhaps it would be better to say to a ‘new normality’ – we will all need a period to rebuild our personal dimension and condition, and what we mean here does not only refer to the physical condition. Many of us will need to deal with complex situations and it will take time.

As a result of these considerations, and by mutual agreement with all destinations and partners – who have given us their most complete availability and with whom we have a perfect understanding – we have decided to cancel the 2020 season of our Superenduro Series, therefore including the Italian events also valid as EWS Qualifier and European Series.

If and only if conditions will allow, Superenduro will see you – those who will want and feel it – in La Thuile in August (22/23) and/or Pietra Ligure in October (10/11), for what could be a day of social riding. Then, perhaps, for the first time we – the staff – will be joining you in our riding gear to celebrate together the return in the saddle!

The current situation forced us to a necessary stop, but our passion for cycling is all there and the desire to get together again, with a renewed spirit, is just getting deeper and stronger. We stand by you and, together, we will go back to our journey, with more affection and love than ever. We don’t give up” Diega Tosatto, Marketing Manager at Vittoria, declares.

All registrations will soon be refunded and, for those wishing to write to us or get in touch, Superenduro will be listening. Please send us an email: [email protected] for complains, suggestions or even just to tell as ‘ciao’!

See you soon!