I took in my newly purchased used bike for a inspection to see if it needed anything repaired or replaced. since it was a used rental bike before, i wasnt sure of its overall condition. Not only did they check it out completely for a very small price ...they took the time to help educate me about all of the components and points of concern. any quetion i had , they took the time to listen and assist in answering my concerns. you get to hangout amongst all their cool projects and see that any bike is just fine! the feeling that just having a bike makes you all family.very down to earth and knowledgable about any bike you may bring in. a great experience all around. Definetly my new LBS!
I took in my newly purchased used bike for a inspection to see if it needed anything repaired or replaced. since it was a used rental bike before, i wasnt sure of its overall condition. Not only did they check it out completely for a very small price ...they took the time to help educate me about all of the components and points of concern. any quetion i had , they took the time to listen and assist in answering my concerns. you get to hangout amongst all their cool projects and see that any bike is just fine! the feeling that just having a bike makes you all family.very down to earth and knowledgable about any bike you may bring in. a great experience all around. Definetly my new LBS!
Thank |