There are nearly as many styles of hip packs as there are of, well, mountain bikes. Some are large enough to hold a hydration reservoir while others include pockets for your water bottle and other small items. Hip packs come in all different sizes and can work for various length mountain bike rides.
After testing dozens of mountain bike hip packs over the years we find that generally, hip packs are a good choice for relatively short rides on familiar trails, and in mild conditions. If you’re looking to get that heavy backpack off your back for some rides, or have started trimming down what you bring on all your rides, check out the best hip packs we recommend:
- Our best overall hip pack pick is the Patagonia Dirt Roamer waist pack. It’s comfortable and stable while offering a lot of organization features and is an incredible value at the current sale price of $40.99.
- For a slightly larger hip pack with a hydration reservoir, we like the Camelbak Repack and Dakine Hot Laps 5L hip pack (select colors are 25% – 45% off).
- Rapha’s hip pack is another thoughtfully designed pack with generous padding and a surprising amount of storage. It’s currently marked down from $90 to $67.
See all 9 of the best mountain bike hip packs here.
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