Alongside today’s launch of the all-new Fox 34 SL fork, the brand also released the Twin Stick. It’s the first combined cable-actuated dropper and suspension lockout remote from the brand and appears to replace the three-position Fox shock and fork remote that was released back in 2022.
Fox says the Twin Stick weighs just 66g, not including the handlebar clamp. It’s compatible with both two- and three-position lockouts and can be set up to control a fork, shock, or fork and shock together, in addition to serving as a dropper post remote.

Other brands already offer dropper/lockout combo remotes, including Bontrager (left) and DT Swiss (right), shown above. However, the Fox Twin Stick appears much more refined and (hopefully) easier to use on the trail.
Here in the US, bar-mounted suspension lockout controls are not typically used by recreational riders, though many XC racers find them invaluable for optimizing suspension performance on the fly. Without integrated controls like the Twin Stick or the options shown above, riders are relegated to combining a lever-style lockout remote with an over-the-bar dropper post remote, which can be awkward to use. However, XC racers may not choose to run a dropper post in every race, in which case a single-purpose lockout controller could be preferable.

The Fox Twin Stick sells for $149 and should be available for purchase soon.
5 days ago
5 days ago
When Live Valve Neo was released, we wrote "Fox says they deliberately did not include a fork as a part of the Live Valve system, since the majority of on-trail efficiency is derived from the shock, and any delay in the fork reactivity would be noticeable to riders."
5 days ago
13 minutes ago
As far as names for a mountain bike(un motorized bike) I just call them that, a mountain bike( or gravel, road, etc.) or a MeBike. No need for "acoustic" or "analog
5 days ago
5 days ago
5 days ago
5 days ago
Analog: of, relating to, or being a mechanism or device in which information is represented by continuously variable physical quantities.
Electrical signals are definitely a variable physical quantity. Is cable length or a ratchet position considered a variable physical quantity? What about an analog clock that you wind up? Serious questions. 🤔
5 days ago