Spring is just around the corner and with Daylight Saving time kicking in over the weekend, we're ready to hit the trails! Singletracks has teamed up with Sacred Rides Mountain Bike Adventures…
Toby Henderson and crew have gone and done it again! For the past few years I've been rocking THE full face helmets on the slopes and at the parks and this year…
Icebreaker produces technical outdoor apparel featuring New Zealand merino wool as their material of choice. Until recently, the company has mostly focused on producing base layers, coats, and socks for backpackers and…
Last month I posted Part I of my review of the new SRAM X0 2x10 mountain bike drivetrain and this week I'm ready to talk about my experience with the X0 derailleurs…
photo by dgaddis. On Saturday I completed the third and final Snake Creek Gap Time Trial of 2011 in Dalton, GA and it was definitely a mountain bike race to remember. Regular…
This weekend I attended the 25th annual Toronto bike show and I gotta say the event is getting bigger and better each year. I had a chance to catch up with some…
Easton has been very busy indeed: new for 2011 is the totally revamped Havoc component line up. On the control side of things, Easton looked at what mountain bikers wanted in quality…
I just received two very cool products to test and review: the 2011 Fox F29 Terralogic fork and a WTB LaserDisc Trail 29 wheelset. In this post I'll go over the technical…
White Mesa trail on BLM land in New Mexico. Photo by Speedman. On Friday the US Bureau of Land Management issued its Wild Lands policy and according to BLM Director Bob Abbey,…
Congratulations to the February Forum contest winners, Dorado and kvnrbrts. Dorado's post, "urban riding??" received 59 replies during the month of February, earning him the sweet Giro XAR helmet and matching DJ…
The singletracks.com repair forums are a great place for maintenance and tech info, but what if you could have a wealth of that type of info right in your hands? The Bicycling…
WTB offers the LaserDisc DH wheelset as a low-cost, lightweight alternative for gravity riders who ride hard. I posted a preview of this wheelset last winter and now I'm finally ready to…
This week we're rolling out a widget for mountain bike groups and clubs to post on their websites that displays info about local mountain bike trails. Along with the top-rated singletracks photo…
This is pretty much it. My little red rocket. The Dream Machine. The Monster. Here is the Banshee Legend II that I finally have all built up and ready to rip. It…
Airborne Bicycles just announced on their Facebook page Friday night that they are officially accepting applications for the 2011 Airborne Flight Crew. They are currently looking to fill 6 positions, replacing 5…
photo: Bicycling Magazine / Brian Vernor In case you missed it, the March issue of Bicycling Magazine featured a great story by Articles Editor Lou Mazzante about the epic Chupacabras 100km mountain…
photo courtesy blueiceaviation.com. Matt Keller, Owner/Operator at Blue Ice Aviation in Alaska may have stumbled onto the next frontier in mountain biking: glacier riding. Matt recently posted a video of his buddies…
Winter riding in Colorado is a balancing act of temperatures, short days, snow and trail access. Rides after work require decent lights, and most of the popular trails close an hour after…
There arent a lot of womens specific mountain bike products out there that actually need to be womens specific (like bike pumps - seriously). One major exception, of course, is mountain bike…
A first look at James Wilson's 12 week MTB DB Combo training course. A weight lifting regimen you can do in 45 minutes 3 times a week to get you stronger for those long trails ahead. Something for us in the deep freeze to look forward to...
Almost every brand new mountain bike drivetrain I've ridden has been great: quiet operation, smooth shifting, and shiny parts - heck, even the lube on a new drivetrain smells great. But over…
What a handsome devil huh? Yep, that's trek7k trying out the POC Trabec Race helmet at Interbike back in September. I managed to get my hands on one a few months ago…
Syncros offers their FR wheelset to the DH/Freeride crowd as a high quality wheelset for a reasonable price. Back in the spring I previewed this wheelset so if you missed it or…
The weather is warming up and the trails are drying out here in the southeast which can only mean one thing: mountain bike season is on the way! Here are a few…
At the suggestion of my local bike shop employees I've decided to try a new chain lube. For the last year or soI've happily been using White Lightening's Wet Ride lube. It's…
Just wanted to let everyone know about a few recent updates here on singletracks: Trail Check-in Points Singletracks members will now receive 2 points for each trail check-in via m.singletracks.com. As more…
Any serious mountain biker who hasn't been yet probably has Moab on their wish list. However, most don't realizehow affordable it can be to get there and they never end up going.…
One of the coolest (and frankly cutest) things you can see is a two year old kid with an over-sized helmet and tiny knee and elbow pads pushing around his little pedal…
Yup, it feels that way sometimes. When Jeff sent me the email informing me I was picked to be on the Singletracks blog team, I almost turned him down. At the time…
For those of you new to the sport of mountain biking, seeing other people ride around with their funky looking shoes clipped in to their odd-shaped pedals may look A) weird or…
For 2011, SRAM is offering 10spd drivetrains throughout the line but that doesn't mean they've dropped the 9spd option and for good reason - the nine speed drivetrains still work great. Choosing…
With all the responsibilities we have, finding enough time to ride can be difficult. Commuting to work or school by bike can be a great way to spend more time in the…
With rainy weather dogging me throughout my 29 Trail challenge, I was not-so-secretly hoping the rain would actually work to my advantage Saturday. Here in Atlanta we had more than an inch…
Ahh - the beach - such a fitting place to end my 29 trail journey. But if visions of balmy breezes, fruity drinks with umbrellas, and bronzed bodies come to mind, I…
I can't tell you where I rode yesterday - it's a secret. No, it's not my own secret singletrack stash - plenty of people know about the trails - we're just not…
The Mavic Razor mountain bike shoe is one of those rare products that works great, fits comfortably, and doesn't cost a lot of coin. The shoe is basically a toned down version…
On most Tuesday nights I go for an in-town night ride on the east side of Atlanta and it's often the highlight of my week. Some Tuesdays there are more than a…
At this point I've ridden 240 miles in just under four weeks and the vast majority of those miles have been on singletrack. The conditions I've encountered along the way - ice,…
I had hoped it wouldn't come to this. Before my 29 Trail experiment began I wrote out a list of all the trails I wanted to ride and the list definitely didn't…
After riding 6 trails in less than 24 hours on Friday and Saturday, I was actually glad to have a break Sunday morning before driving up to Gainesville, GA. Fortunately the weather…
RAMBO is the Roswell Alpharetta Mountain Bike Organization and as far as bike club acronyms go, this is one of my favorites. The club is best known for the trails at Big…
I didn't want to wake up for my ride this morning. As I closed my eyes in bed the night before, I saw flashes of singletrack - random trail features - that…
After riding at the 1996 Olympic MTB course in Conyers, I kept going east and hit the Turner Lake Complex Trails in Covington. The trails are located right off I-20 just behind…
On Friday afternoon I drove to Conyers, GA and the Georgia International Horse Park, home of the 1996 Olympic mountain bike course. It's the only Olympic course on US soil which is…
photo courtesy Race Across the Sky. According to a recent article, Leadville 100 sponsor Lifetime Fitness has partnered with AEG to create a national series of qualifying races for Leadville. Since the…
On day 20 of my 29 Trail challenge I struck out early with 3 trails on my to-do list. Destination: east-central Alabama and the Talladega National Forest. Sylaward The Sylaward trails are…
Depending on where you live, you could either be trying to get up the determination to brave the chill and ride, or putting away your bike and waxing up the downhill skis.
Here's a quick update on the 29 Trails project. It's raining here in Atlanta today which means I won't get to go on my regular Tuesday night ride for the third week…