We rolled out a couple new features on singletracks this week that we're pretty stoked about. The first is trail difficulty ratings based on the IMBA trail rating system. We've been asking…
Get ready for the 3rd Annual Iron Mountain Bike Race to be held September 13, 2008 in Damascus, VA. After the race enjoy the 3-Bs: BBQ, Bonfire, and Beverages. More info at…
Last week nearly 1,000 volunteers worked on 60 miles of multi-user trails in the Alleghany Highlands Trail System. If you've ever organized a trail workday you know just getting a dozen folks…
Rick and I were talking with one of the Ellijay locals at Bear Creek last month and he mentioned riding the mountain bike trails around the Stanley Gap area just outside Blue…
Todd Gilchrist posted a good article on his blog titled 'Lessons from Mountain Biking' that got me to thinking about the times I've foolishly decided to ride when my equipment wasn't really…
Man, you guys who live in Colorado Springs are lucky. Not only do you have miles and miles of kick ass mountain bike trails within minutes of downtown, your newspaper actually writes…
Don't get your hopes up, at least that's what a USA Today article leads us to believe. Cross-country mountain biking was added as an official Olympic event just 12 years ago, almost…
It seems like the mountain bike newswires are full of mountain bike race news these days. Rather than bore you with race results I thought I'd talk about a couple upcoming races…
As promised last week, the official Trail lto Trail Race Series flyer. (Click to download the PDF)
Cycling Phun posted today about how riding on a road bike and mountain bike in the same day can lead to some interesting observations about balance, speed, and rolling resistance. I've certainly…
Since you're reading this blog you probably have a little time to kill and today I wanted to point out a couple interesting mountain bike sites you may have missed. The first…
The first event of the 2008 UCI World mountain bike championships was held this week and it was an event you may not have heard of: The team relay. France upset Switzerland…
Roadies and mountain bikers unite! Red Trail Racing is hosting three trail - road - trail bike races in Florida this summer and singletracks is on board as a race supporter. From…
I've ridden a number of mountain bike trails over the years and I love reading about new dirt around the world - in fact I read just about every trail review posted…
Ah, the blogosphere. Maybe you thought the blogosphere was limited to political bloggers who are the talk of the television news these days but mountain bikers can be bloggers too (yours truly…
Good news for downhill riders: Northstar at Tahoe resort will be officially opening the lifts to mountain bikes next Friday, June 20. Tickets are $29 a day for adults and you can…
I was browsing the Trek website today and I came across a photo of the 69er Single Speed that gave me pause. This must be either the ugliest bike I've ever seen…
I read an article earlier this week that mentioned Blue Ride Outdoors named James River Park one of the best urban MTB trail systems in the Southeast and it got me thinking:…
After reading about the Muddy Spokes club in Georgia it got me to thinking: Has anyone ridden all (48 and counting) of the IMBA Epic trails? I checked the list and I've…
The South Eastern Regional Championship series is making a stop at Raccoon Mountain this year and people are getting stoked. As far as I can tell this is the first time the…
Here's a concept that might appeal to the gadget geeks: A iPod / bike integration that doesn't suck. Of course we've seen iPod/iPhone holders that mount on handlebars but this Cannondale concept…
After a six year hiatus the Sand Creek mountain bike race series is back in the Springs and the first of this year's three races was held Wednesday at Bear Creek park.…
The first annual Wayne Ultra Mountain Bike Race will be held in the Wayne National Forest near Marietta in October of this year. Organizers have been gunning for a mountain bike event…
If you're like me you're looking for ways to save your scratch these days and sometimes it's tough to pay up for the latest and greatest MTB gear. Fortunately I just found…
There's been yet another mountain bike death this season, this time near Rocky Point, NY. Richard Olson, 49, was found dead on the trail next to his bike and police are investigating…
I've had the Oak Mountain State forest / BUMP trail near Birmingham, AL on my wishlist for quite a while now but after reading this I'm not sure how much longer I…
The Mercury News posted an article yesterday about the El Cerrito police department and their growing use of mountain bikes for patrol activities. Of course I've seen plenty of mountain bike cops…
There's an excellent article over on diylife.com on emergency mountain bike repair and some of the tips are probably ones you've never heard. My favorite: 'inflating' a flat tire by stuffing it…
In case you missed it earlier this week, USA Cycling announced the junior and U23 riders who will be competing in the 2008 UCI Mountain Bike World Championships in Val di Sole,…
There's a new mountain bike trail on Mt. Wellington in Tasmania (Australia) and according to legendary trail designer Glen Jacobs, "this is an amazing piece of hand-built engineering of unequalled workmanship." If…
I've been considering a 29er for my next mountain bike and I've been trying to read as much as I can online about others' experience with the larger wheels. I've even test…
This weekend I got the chance to check out a couple north Georgia mountain bike trails I hadn't ridden in a while so I thought I'd let you know what's up. We…
A few mountain bike gadgets and tech you may have missed this year: The RAM Mount: Want to take your GPS, cell phone, and PDA out on the trail but don't have…
CNN.com has an article on women's liberation and how things really got started with the bicycle back in the 19th century. The article mentions Jacquie Phelan, founder of the Women's Mountain Bike…
As you probably already know we're big fans of taking our GPS on the mountain bike trail, especially for keeping track of distance and climbing and for mapping new singletrack. This week…
Poison Oak Productions' latest documentary, The Way Bobby Sees It, follows blind downhill mountain bike racer Bobby McMullen's as he prepares to race the epic Downieville Downhill in California. From the Poison…
I read a couple good articles on mountain biking this morning: The Gear Junkie, Stephen Regenold, reviewed the D3O Armored L/S Crew and D3O Ultimate Chamois Bike Short from Spyder which is…
A bike-mounted charger uses wind to juice electronic devices.
Ferndale residents are pissed. A recent article in Mountain Bike Rider (UK) portrayed the village as a place "where everyone looked really unhealthy" and there was "litter cascading down the hill." A…
I've been using an Edge 605 GPS on loan from Garmin for the past couple weeks and I'm finally ready to share my review. For my tests I took the 605 on…
A couple items of interest today: Lance Armstrong is opening a bike shop in Austin, TX this month called "Mellow Johnny's," a reference to his nickname on the Tour de France (from…
I was reading a blog yesterday (which, oddly is gone today so I can't link to it) that was talking about modifying a mountain bike to make it a lean, mean, commuting…
Just a friendly reminder to get your tickets if you haven't already - the premier is this coming Monday, May 12! Tickets are just $15 in advance which gets you access to…
Mountain bike trail builders have always made the best of what's available but Kitsap MTB seems to have come up with a new one: the Tractor Tread. It's difficult to tell exactly…
Ray Ford posted a controversial piece for the Santa Barbara Independent calling for increased regulation of mountain bikes on Santa Barbara area trails. Ford seems to argue that bikes shouldn't be allowed…
I'm testing an Edge 605 GPS from Garmin right now and while I'm not ready to write a full review, I did want to share a cool feature you might not have…
If you're like me, you like to be prepared when you go out for a ride. What if you get lost on forest service roads and want to ask a redneck with…
New mountain bike tech, circa 2008.