Every bike mechanic (and significant other, for that matter) has heard it before. Folks in the bike industry even have an acronym: JRA.
For example: “He said he was JRA and the rim cracked in half.” Nine times out of ten this is followed by an eye roll.
What’s your JRA story?
May 11, 2020
May 14, 2020
Now, here's the back-story. When I purchased said handlebars, I was advised that they were ultra-lightweight models, suitable only for 1 season of racing and rated for riders weighing less than 175 pounds. At the time, I weighed about 145 and couldn't imagine being over 175. Ten years later, I was back on the mountain bike again after it collected dust for several years and I weighed in just shy of 190. Those race-only ultralight bars had long since been forgotten—until they snapped.