Felt 2014 Compulsion LT3: A modern mountain bike with a sleek black and orange frame, featuring thick, knobby tires for off-road terrain. The bike has front and rear suspension, a prominent gearset, and a streamlined design, set against a light gray wall.
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Weight: 30 grams
#201 out of 418 Full suspension bikes
Brand: Felt
This is Felt's all-carbon, trail shredding ass-kicker of an All-Mountain bike. Rock Shox Pike RC up front, Rock Shox Monarch in the back. Wide 740mm bars for dominating twisty track.

This thing takes downhills - all downhills - like it was born to. Which it was. Also climbs pretty well - in my limited new ownership it has been my physical limits that have kept me from completing some longer climbs, not the bouncing and bobbing of the suspension, which is toned down nicely by the Equilink suspension.

Built-in KS eTen dropper post with a remote makes adjusting the seat for climbs and downhills a snap.

Fork locks out to three different positions depending on need; rear suspension is easily adjustable with a few fingers to give or take away play.

Brakes are monsters - Magura MT2s with 200mm rotor up front and 180 mm in the rear - when you want to stop, you stop. Now.

Beautiful design, floats through the air when you want it to.

I was able to snag mine as a demo for $2500.00 with some beautiful thin profile Origin flat pedals thrown in and couldn't say no, then promptly took it out to the nearest singletrack and felt like my game had increased by a factor of 7. Maybe 8. Coming from a 26" aluminum hardtail (GF Ziggurat), this is a completely different ride, and I am perfectly fine with that.

If you like going downhill more than you like climbing, preferably with both wheels off the ground, this is the bike for you.

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