This bike shop is pretty good. They have great service, and the staff is very helpful. They carry a lot of bikes in-shop. They also carry a lot of bike accessories in-shop. The only thing that I think they need to change is their VERY high prices. I think everything is overpriced. But if you need a quick tube, or something like that a great shop. Also the staff are all avid MTBers and they know many trails, great to get in convo's with them.
Eden Bicycles is a great bike shop. They offer Giant, Santa Cruz, Haro, Cervelo, Pinarello, Izip, and Haibike. They have a great selection and are very friendly. The customer service is great, and they are willing to help at any time. They have a service shop at the back of the store, and they will service bikes for you any time, and do it in a timely fashion. They sometimes get a little overwhelmed, but they will just keep the bike there and call you when it has been serviced. Definitely would recommend going here, and they have tons of gear to choose from.
This bike shop is pretty good. They have great service, and the staff is very helpful. They carry a lot of bikes in-shop. They also carry a lot of bike accessories in-shop. The only thing that I think they need to change is their VERY high prices. I think everything is overpriced. But if you need a quick tube, or something like that a great shop. Also the staff are all avid MTBers and they know many trails, great to get in convo's with them.
Thank |Good service, and really good deals for flats. Lots of selection!
Thank |Awesome bike shop with great service.
Thank |Deff. five stars!
Eden Bicycles is a great bike shop. They offer Giant, Santa Cruz, Haro, Cervelo, Pinarello, Izip, and Haibike. They have a great selection and are very friendly. The customer service is great, and they are willing to help at any time. They have a service shop at the back of the store, and they will service bikes for you any time, and do it in a timely fashion. They sometimes get a little overwhelmed, but they will just keep the bike there and call you when it has been serviced. Definitely would recommend going here, and they have tons of gear to choose from.
Thank |