This bicycle shop has a great relaxed no pressure atmosphere to it. The staff is very friendly & willing to let you thumb through various brand specific catalogs while they get your item ordered for you if it's not on site. While I was on hold with Easton checking on the availability of a handlebar the owner introduced himself to me. Yes, you guessed it, his name is Ken. Needless to say he had the information I was trying to get about the bar and it was on order for me before anyone ever got back to me on the phone. I was very pleased to say the least. After that he and I talked about everything biking from skills to actual riding experiences. He's a great guy and it's obvious when his customers come into the store. He takes his time to make sure you're happy and all of your questions and needs are taken care of. If you have the chance check in with Ken when you need anything biking related.
This bicycle shop has a great relaxed no pressure atmosphere to it. The staff is very friendly & willing to let you thumb through various brand specific catalogs while they get your item ordered for you if it's not on site. While I was on hold with Easton checking on the availability of a handlebar the owner introduced himself to me. Yes, you guessed it, his name is Ken. Needless to say he had the information I was trying to get about the bar and it was on order for me before anyone ever got back to me on the phone. I was very pleased to say the least. After that he and I talked about everything biking from skills to actual riding experiences. He's a great guy and it's obvious when his customers come into the store. He takes his time to make sure you're happy and all of your questions and needs are taken care of. If you have the chance check in with Ken when you need anything biking related.
Thank |