The shop has good service. I haven't had my bike repaired there but they do seem very knowledgeable about bikes. The prices are fairly reasonable but may be high at times. But all the stuff they have there is good quality so it may be worth the extra money. They don't have everything in the store. However, you can order it online off of their website or they can order it for you. Although, I do feel that kinda defeats the purpose of going to the bike shop in the first place. Overall, I'd would highly recomend this bike shop.
The shop has good service. I haven't had my bike repaired there but they do seem very knowledgeable about bikes. The prices are fairly reasonable but may be high at times. But all the stuff they have there is good quality so it may be worth the extra money. They don't have everything in the store. However, you can order it online off of their website or they can order it for you. Although, I do feel that kinda defeats the purpose of going to the bike shop in the first place. Overall, I'd would highly recomend this bike shop.
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