I went there because it was recommended to me by several friends, since the first visit they treated me great, never pushy. Tommy and Teresa always try to help me with everything they can. Customer service is great. Thanks for everything guys.
I purchased a 2014 Fuji Tahoe 29 1.5, rode for about 3 week, needed to have some adjustments made and when I returned they treated me like they had known me for years. Tuned up my bike in a couple of hours (needed lines tightened) and a few extras items. Tommy and Tyler thanks! I'm back on the trails and loving every minute of it.
I went there because it was recommended to me by several friends, since the first visit they treated me great, never pushy. Tommy and Teresa always try to help me with everything they can. Customer service is great. Thanks for everything guys.
Thank |I purchased a 2014 Fuji Tahoe 29 1.5, rode for about 3 week, needed to have some adjustments made and when I returned they treated me like they had known me for years. Tuned up my bike in a couple of hours (needed lines tightened) and a few extras items. Tommy and Tyler thanks! I'm back on the trails and loving every minute of it.
Thank |