This bike shop is near my home. It's a small shop owned by a guy who coincidentally is a great, knowledgeable mechanic. I've bought a couple of mountain bikes here and I've serviced my road bike a few times here as well. I've also bought parts and apparel here and the prices are fair. He is an official Trek dealer but services all makes and models.
I just bought my mountain bike from this shop and the owner was a pretty good guy. They have a good selection of mountain bikes, (Trek mostly), and they offer lifetime adjustments and guarantees on their frames. All in all it was a good experience and would recommend this shop to everyone.
This bike shop is near my home. It's a small shop owned by a guy who coincidentally is a great, knowledgeable mechanic. I've bought a couple of mountain bikes here and I've serviced my road bike a few times here as well. I've also bought parts and apparel here and the prices are fair. He is an official Trek dealer but services all makes and models.
Thank |I just bought my mountain bike from this shop and the owner was a pretty good guy. They have a good selection of mountain bikes, (Trek mostly), and they offer lifetime adjustments and guarantees on their frames. All in all it was a good experience and would recommend this shop to everyone.
Thank |