Shop City Rating
Fraser BicycleFraser
Freewheeler Bike Shop ( Rapids*****
Freewheeler IIGreenville
Freewheeler II Bike ShopGreenville*****
Gap30 CyclesGrand Rapids
Grand Rapids Bicycle Company ( Rapids*****
Hamilton Bicycles & OutfittersRichmond****
Hobby WheelIronwood*
Hobby WheelIronwood
Hometown BicyclesBrighton*****
Howell BicycleHowell*****
Jack Bicycle and FittnessDearborn
Jacks Bike ShopBay City*****
Keweenaw Adventure Co.Copper Harbor*****
KLM Bikes and FitnessRochester****
LakeShore BikeMarquette*****
Latitude 45 Cycle & SportsPetoskey
Macomb Bike and FittnessWarren*****
Main Street Bicycle Co.Zeeland*****
Main Street BicyclesOxford
Main Street BicyclesOxford*****
McLain Cycle & FitnessTraverse City
Motorless MotionMount Pleasant*****
MQT Bike Rentals
Northbound OutfittersGrayling****