A serene view of a calm river surrounded by bare trees and overgrown vegetation, with a gravelly bank leading down to the water. Sunlight casts shadows on the ground, highlighting the earthy tones of fallen leaves and soil. 23rd St Bike Park mountain bike trail.
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Length: 4.2 mi (6.8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +285/ -0 ft
Total: 1 riders

Mountain Biking 23rd St Bike Park

*****   Add a review
#48 of 90 mountain bike trails in Kansas
#7,417 in the world

Intricate pattern of trails with many bumps and swoops. Also a pump track section on the east side. The easiest rout is around the perimeter.

First added by Schmo on Nov 26, 2021. Last updated Dec 7, 2021. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: no
  • Lift service: no
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: yes
  • Restrooms: no
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: yes
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Getting there
If traveling from the north take US-69 south just 30 miles past Fort Scott. Go south on N Broadway/US-69 to E 23rd St. and turn east. Just past N Michigan St. is the entrance to the park. Stay to the right for the trail head. If traveling from the west take US-400 east to US-160. Turn north on US-160 and take it to W 20th St. turn east and go to N Broadway/US-69 and turn north. Go to E 23rd St. and turn east. Just pastN Michigan St is the entrance. Stay to the right for the trail head.

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Schmo (Nov 27, 2021)
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  • Schmo

    This park is a blast. You can really cut loose here. You have the Whoop De Doos, bank turns, pump track, big air camel jumps, wooded single track, fast flat sections, dips and climbs on this network of trails. You’ll ride sections multiple times to get it all in but what a fun ride!

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