A black-and-white image showing the handlebars of a mountain bike, with a rider in the background navigating a trail surrounded by trees and rocky terrain. The perspective captures both the cyclist’s arms and the shadows cast on the ground. Abrams / Worlds Greatest mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 8 mi (12.9 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +1,457/ -1,487 ft
Total: 30 riders

Mountain Biking Abrams / Worlds Greatest

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#348 of 1,395 mountain bike trails in Colorado
#3,426 in the world

This is one of the best trails in Eagle County, if not Colorado. The uphill is fairly easy with winding switch backs through the junipers, and a few downhill rollers during the climb to keep you cool. There are 2 pretty tough climbs that will get your lungs going near the top.

The downhill of Worlds is amazing. Fun and techy at the top with some rocks to navigate and some berms to pump. Once you reach the lower section the singletrack widens a little bit, and you will reach an alley where there are 6 foot high walls to do turns on....one of the most fun trail sections ive ever encountered.

You will have to hop over the fence at the end, and ride your bike to the RIGHT up the bike path back to the school. Cheers!

First added by [email protected] on Aug 18, 2011. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Park at Brush Creek Elementary. If you arent familiar with Eagle, from the interestate wind your way through town and turn LEFT onto Capital street. Go straight through your first stop sign and you will drive through the shops in Brush Creek. Turn LEFT at your second stopsign onto Eagle Ranch Road, the school will be on your left.

TO THE TRAIL: Turn RIGHT out of the school parking lot and bike uphill on the bike path. About 200 yards after Seabry St there will be a fork in the bike path, take a RIGHT. From here, you will see the trailhead for Abrams on the right. You will be on singletrack the whole way up...just stay right on any forks that you may encounter while ON singletrack. You will finish the climb at a double track, where you will turn LEFT and head slightly more uphill.

From here, you will encounter Worlds Greatest on the RIGHT. Simply take this down and stay right on any forks that you may see...

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Eagle, Colorado

Intermediate | 6 mi
Intermediate | 0 mi
Intermediate | 13 mi
Beginner | 20 mi

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  • Reet

    Climbing up Abrams is some of the toughest/steepest short climbs. WG's isn't what you'd expect out of the name but definitely still fun. Some rutted out sections and washouts

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  • Reet

    Climbing up Abrams is some of the toughest/steepest short climbs. WG's isn't what you'd expect out of the name but definitely still fun. Some rutted out sections and washouts

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  • John Fisch

    Sure, "World's Greatest" may be an exaggeration, but this is still an excellent route. Most will push a couple steep sections on the climb, but most of it is quite nice. Once on top, the views are excellent and the downhill will throw a bit of everything at you. It's not nicely groomed or maintained, much of it is loose or is merely a rut filled with babyheads, but the good spots are great and will put a smile on your face for sure.

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  • Jeff Barber

    Clearly the name is tongue in cheek which makes this a fun trail. The climb isn't too bad and the descent is fast and steep in places. Clearly this trail sees a lot of riders - could it be the name? - so there are some washed out and loose sections. Check it out if you're in the area.

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  • xraysmakeustronger

    There was certainly some fun sections on the way down, but all in all it was a disappointment! There are much better trails in Eagle county and this one should not be high on your list. As it was this was one of the last trails in the county that I have done and I am not sad to have left it for so long. It was so dry, dusty and rutted that the ground felt more like talc powder than solid. Unless you are trying to get some early season riding in before all of the choice trails up valley open or late season before everything gets snowed in don't bother! There is so much better out there!

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  • jakegasau

    Great trail! The bottom section of World's Greatest can also be accessed by the fence you cross at the end, or the natual gas collection building just past the round-about if you want a short loop. For the road less traveled, take Abrams to Star Wars. Another great ride with less loose rock.

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  • [email protected]

    srry, i meant to say that the school will be on your RIGHT...but that will be obvious!

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  • [email protected]

    So fun...climb isnt all that hard and the downhill is amazing!!!

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