A group of cyclists preparing for a ride in a forested area. Some individuals are adjusting their gear, while others are seen near a van, surrounded by trees and a mix of sunlight and shade. Alpine Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 20 mi (32.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +866/ -1,781 ft
Total: 170 riders

Mountain Biking Alpine Trail

*****   Add a review
#1 of 308 mountain bike trails in Oregon
#37 in the world

Fantastic singletrack groomed for speed and beauty. Often called the "Crown Jewel" of the Oakridge area, home of "Mountain Bike Oregon". The views are stunning, and the trail is damn near perfect singletrack. Climb the mountain to earn your reward, or shuttle it for maximum fun factor. Shuttles are also available for purchase in town. Almost endless loop possibilities for all skill levels.

First added by tumbleweed14 on Aug 7, 2007. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
East from I-5 on Hwy 58 to Oakridge. Go left toward West fir just before Oakridge. Park on the other side of the Covered Bridge. Ride North Fork Road up about 3.5 miles, cross bridge on Rd. 1910. There are 3 loops (8, 18, and 33 miles give or take from bridge) that are common. Get a great topo map and 411 in Oakridge from Willamette Mountain Mercantile.
Featured in
A cyclist wearing a yellow helmet rides a mountain bike along a narrow dirt trail surrounded by sparse vegetation, with a view of a city and mountainous landscape in the background. The scene is set on a sunny day with scattered clouds.
A scenic mountain biking trail featuring a black bicycle resting near a dirt path, surrounded by green trees and shrubs. In the background, rugged mountains rise under a clear blue sky with a few clouds.

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08 - Alpine - short ST…
03 - Alpine - Khanh pedaling
Waldo Lake and the Alpine Trail
04 - Alpine - bluegrass meadow…
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Oakridge, Oregon

Beginner | 3 mi
Intermediate | 4 mi
Intermediate | 2 mi
Advanced | 5 mi

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  • Tim Tovar

    Trail in perfect condition. Took 9 am shuttle with arm warmers, no base layer. Little chilly at the top, but quickly warmed and shed the warmers. Trail was fantastic. Rode with a Niner 29" hardtail with no problems.

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  • dylanm

    Shuttle the Alpine trail when you get the chance. A 1-2 hour long ride down the mountain, crossing meadows and deep rushing creeks. It's a very scenic destination to ride and offers a pure single track experience. There aren't free ride features or any obvious jumps but the speed and steepness means you can find some air. Even doing Alpine alone means you'll do some decent climbing. The top of this trail feels like another planet - a rocky valley surrounded by mountainous vistas. You feel like you're in Survivorman if you stop for a little.

    The majority of the ride will be flying down this varied trail surface over armored rock piles, smooth dirt, and off camber turns. Keep off the pedals and keep your weight centered and focus on leaning the bike gently to rail the corners. Sliding and skidding here could easily get you seriously hurt or killed so trust that the trail will get you moving. There's often no need to pedal. Other trails like Hardesty could be included in a trip to Oakridge to get more freeride features.

    I bet Alpine would be perfect for an XC/trail rider who doesn't always need large features. The trail is a tad overrated because of how rough and fast it is - sometimes it just barrels downhill over roots and rockfalls in a straight line where any mtb-specific trail might flow and turn to make use of the elevation. You might find yourself at very high speed here, with no berms to catch you. Respect this trail or get sent off a cliff.

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  • Steve Hansen

    This trail is highly rated for several reasons. The old growth forest and alpine views are epic by themselves. When you factor in the loamy dirt, occasional stream crossing, majestic meadows and mountain air... it's a MUST RIDE if you are in Central Oregon. Heck, maybe if you're in the western USA...

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  • Josh L

    As the description says "Crown Jewel" this trail was amazing. Taking the shuttle to the top then riding down made for a really fun day and would be doable by most intermediate riders and even for someone that's not in the best shape physically. Lots of nice views, beautiful forest scents, fast flowing turns, multiple bail out points to forest service road if needed, and overall ear to ear smiles as you go. This is a must do for anyone visiting the area.

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  • Ian Anderson

    You may also take the "Cogwild" Tour Shuttle Van for the same price leaving from the "Willamette Mountain Mercantile Bike shop" in the town of Oakridge each day or contact us at the "Wesfir Lodge" where the parking lot is located and the shuttle departs after parking your car each day and the bottom.. http://www.cogwild.com/shuttles http://oakridgebikeshop.com http://westfirlodge.com

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  • John Fisch

    This trail is everything it is reputed to be. I found it to be one of the more 'scary' trails I've ridden, not because it's steep or technical or has challenging features (it really has none of that except some mild exposure), but because it has stretches that invite sooooo much speed even though the woods are sooooo tight. I'ts easy to reach uncomfortable speeds, especially because there may be a sudden tight switchback that leaps out at you without warning. The dark woods also play with visibility. The trail is a gem, loaded with different types of challenges than the ones we normally think of.

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  • davidjbarnes

    It sorta feels like you're pedaling through a fairytale. The smells, the views, everything is awesome. The Jedi section just below Kate's is my personal favorite.

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  • ducklover3

    Crown jewel of Oakridge by far best day ride is the ATCA ride

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  • StumptownRider

    Has to be the jem of Oakridge, Or when you add ATCA (Alpine,Coverpath,TireMtn,Alpine) you have a epic ride a must ride if your in Oakridge

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  • Aaron Chamberlain   ✓ supporter

    Suuuuuuper fun trail. It was very dry and dusty when I rode it, but not as dusty as the trails in Bend.

    I took the Oregon Adventures shuttle to Katie's Cut-In which takes you to the highest point of the ride. There is a fair amount of climbing during the ride down, but nothing too long or too steep.

    There isn't much in the way of technical trail features. Very few (if any) roots and a handful of rocks. There are some steep and tight switchbacks though.

    You can get going really fast if you let off the brakes, just watch the turns!

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  • Chris Daniels

    Alpine is to Oakridge what Porcupine Rim is to Moab except for very one unique difference, SHADE! Maybe saw the sunlight like 5 times while the rest is under tree cover. For trail riding, Alpine pretty much has everything you want. A couple things I didn't expect: as much climbing and break neck speeds. I mean I knew there was some climbing and pedal sections, but it was more than I thought, but nothing sustained. And I knew it was mostly downhill, but on some of those long straight-a-ways you could just open up the barrels. If it is speed you are looking for, just be careful coming up on those turns. Many of the switchbacks are very tight and you could easily bake it. Great trail and much love to Oregon Adventures for the boost.

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  • Hap Proctor   ✓ supporter

    Great ride. Get shuttle from Oregon Adventures and then enjoy the ride back down. Of course there are plenty of climbs, switchbacks and great downhill rides in the 16 miles to the bottom. Can't argue with anyone who ranks this the best in Oregon. Definitely a "must-do". Scenic without a river. Meadows, big trees and great overlooks.

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  • dustyspokes65

    After a grueling climb on a gravel road, the fun begins. A relentless drop of swooping singletrack through carpets of clover and fern, but keep your eyes on the trail. The only disappointment is when you finish, wishing you had time to climb and do it again.

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  • k2rider

    The Alpine Trail is a great, forested, roller coaster ride thru some epic scenery but don't be fooled into thinking it's all a blazing downhill ride. I made that mental mistake and wasn't prepared for the climbs that were to come. Whatever you do, don't miss the right hand turn-off to Tire Mountain...the best trail in all of Oakridge.

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  • Luzpreciado

    Super sweet trail. There are some sharp switch backs and some serious exposure at times but it you take your time it is pretty easy going trail. For a cool alternate route hit tire mountain to clover patch. Watch out for chanterelles.

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  • watusi512

    Epic! Just did this ride with my friends from Newport, Oregon and had to say that it was some of the most beautiful terrain that I had seen!! Anyone looking to come and ride this is going to love this surely! Oregon Adventures is really cool with their services and I'm actually calling them concerning our next visit out there...Can't be too soon...It is so God's Country...Amen.

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  • Greg Heil   ✓ supporter

    I had the opportunity to do a shuttle of the complete Alpine trail, and as I rode it, I kept thinking to myself, "Man, I'd just be happy riding this trail every day for the next week!" The shuttle run still requires about 2,500 feet of climbing (if you do the entire trail), but you get WAY more descending out of the deal!
    The trail itself is absolutely fantastic: narrow singletrack on good, black dirt; super flowy sections, fast sections, a few techy sections, and a few hard switchbacks.
    Most of the trail runs through the massive pine forest with some trees with absolutely MASSIVE trunks! In some spots, the trail is quite exposed, and then in a few spots the trees open up and provide views. Oh My Gosh, the views! This area is absolutely gorgeous!
    This one trail would be enough to make Oakridge a must-ride destination, but in addition to the Alpine trail Oakridge offers hundreds of miles of other excellent singletrack.
    There's a reason Oakridge is a silver-level ride center--start planning your trip now!

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  • RoadWarrior

    Rode as a loop from the covered bridge, up North Fork Tr. Then 1912 to Windy Pass (5/12/12 was able to get appx. 1 mile north on Alpine till hit snow). The ride back down Alpine to the covered bridge is definitely now on my top 10 list of awesome downhills. Although there is still some climbing, is welcome relief to give the down hill muscles a rest. Will come back again when the snow lets me start the ST at Kate's Cut-in.
    Map from the bike shop in Oakridge is excellent, and highly recommended, get lost out there, and you'll never be found.* Review edited 5/12/2012

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  • abegold

    ANy time I get to ride where there's any shade is a treat for a desert rat. While this trail climbs the hills it's not that steep. Oakridge is MTB central in the state, go!

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  • MarcS

    I usually ride the singletrack trail along the river rather than the paved road up to Rd. 1910. In fact, a little further up is Rd. 1912 which also leads to the junction known as Windy Pass, but is about 2 miles shorter. From there you can access the ride described here or any of several others. It's 5 miles to Rd. 1912, 6.5 miles up gravel to Windy, and about 5-6 miles of some of the best, fastest and most beautiful downhill I've ever been on. You end up back at the bridge in Westfir. There are many, many options for riding here. Tire Mountain adds a couple hours to the ride, and provides stunning views on clear days. Make sure to get the most recent topo map (the one sponsored by GOATS) and a compass. * Review edited 1/18/2012* Review edited 5/29/2012

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Rider questions

Q: Can you drive to the top
A: yes!!