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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +98/ -84 ft
Total: 18 riders

Mountain Biking Area 178

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#121 of 388 mountain bike trails in Wisconsin
#5,744 in the world

Twisting singletrack with some doubletrack and a few punchy climbs. Some rock gardens and other technical features. Some trails run along the scenic Chippewa River and Lake Wissota.

First added by ablack84 on Aug 13, 2015. Last updated May 9, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: yes
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Parking is available along Highway 178 (Alias: Seymour Cray Sr. Blvd.) just north of the Chippewa River, or along Beach Drive. Another access point is available at Chippewa Rod and Gun Park.

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Good (Jun 28, 2019)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin

| 0.6 mi
| 0.5 mi
Intermediate | 5 mi
Intermediate | 0.5 mi

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  • Chase Magruder

    Very flat, almost no hills, but a short, decent little trail system. Doesn't flow super well from trail to trail, but they aren't too difficult to find. Be prepaird to do a little exploring your first time out to figure out where all of the single track is. I probably won't ride here much with Lowe's Creek and Northwest park so close by.

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  • koreytm

    They've got a decent start on what could be a nice little trail system. The West side of Hwy 178 has the most challenging trails. The Ravine is the most technical, and the most fun. According to their map it is an "Advanced" trail, and I would agree. It's not extreme, but it was a pretty tight path cut into a fairly steep hillside. Lots of roots and ruts/bumps. Reminded me a lot of the CAMBA trails up North. Unfortunately it's not very long (the whole system is pretty small). The other more challenging trail in that area is Dr's. Orders. It's a fairly tight trail that goes uphill from the bottom of the Ravine. It's rated "Intermediate", but if you're fat like me it's somewhat challenging. I had to cheat and drop down to my 22T cog. Once you get to the top of the hill, however, it opens up into a large grassy area with a wide mowed path. This eventually leads you around and down to the Pump House Road (city water wells/pumps) and back into the woods/singletrack. The map shows a black/"Advanced" section going from the city pump houses back to the East called "High Water". I think this section was mostly washed out, but from what I could tell it might have been worthy of the "Advanced" rating.

    Everything else in the system seemed pretty easy/not technical to me. Most of the trails are located on the East side of 178. Some have "Advanced" ratings, but I would call them "Intermediate" at most...and that's only because of how tight some sections are. Otherwise I would classify most of them as "Easy". The trails are fairly well thought out, and there are a few challenges, but not many. The trails on this side are mostly flat/very very little elevation. Trails going through the woods are pretty hard-packed and smooth. A few roots and rocks here and there. The River Rat trail is pretty rocky and loose. My biggest complaint is that for as flat as most of the trail is, they should have made wider, more sweeping corners instead of darting sharply around trees. It has the potential to be a very fast, "hammer down" section, which would ultimately add as much of a challenge as the slower, tighter turns.

    My only other complaint is that there is quite a bit of wide, grassy trails you have to use to get between some of the single sections. It will be great to see some more single track get added!

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