A winding dirt path curves alongside a small, calm stream in a wooded area. Tall grass and scattered leaves line the path, while trees with bare branches provide a natural backdrop. The scene is serene and evokes a sense of tranquility in nature. Armand Bayou Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 12 mi (19.3 km)
Surface: Doubletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +69/ -59 ft
Total: 30 riders

Mountain Biking Armand Bayou Trail

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#124 of 279 mountain bike trails in Texas
#4,809 in the world

There is a flat doubletrack trail for about 12 miles out-and-back. Some throught the woods next to a creek and some next to Red Bluff road. There are restrooms half way along next to a boat ramp, restraints and stores in the area. Hotels are nearby. There are also easy mountain bike trails next to the creek.

First added by wroop on Dec 15, 2008. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Hyw 225 east to Red Bluff rd, then turn right on Fairmont. U-turn at the first light and the parking lot is on the right.

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  • browntown007

    I used to ride these sometimes when I lived in the area. Good base for a trail system, but unfortunately they aren't maintained and I don't even know if they are sanctioned. No trail map or markings really. They can be found along the crushed gravel bike path.

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  • SethR

    The Google directions are incorrect!! The address on Red Coral road takes you to someone's house, it's a nice house but no bike trails around it. Go down Fairmont Parkway a little further and you'll see the trailhead with a small parking lot. When you start on the wide gravel path you'll see a narrow cutout in the tree line the first time the path passes the trees. Drop down that cutout and you'll find a fun single track that stays next to the creek. Some fun inclines, small drops, and bumps to get a bit of air off of. Awesome for beginners to learn skills and for experts to goof off on. It's a dirt trail next to a creek so be aware of rain, if it has rained recently the path will be too muddy. And, you know, snakes.
    After following the creek for a while (about 3 miles?) You'll shoot up an incline and be back on the main path next to a bridge. Cross that bridge and you'll be at Holly Bay Sports Complex (another good place to park) where you can find a bathroom and water fountains. When you're done there either follow the gravel path back to the trail head to do that first stretch again or drop down the other side of the bridge to do the return single track. Lots of fun lines.

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  • Texanaggie

    Those directions are not correct. the best spot to park is the end of Crenshaw Road at the Holly Bay Park. ride the gravel behind the JR high and all the way to a small parking lot @ Fairmont (which is another good spot to park)(west of center)) and head through the parking lot and you will see the trailhead. you can ride the west side of the ditch line up to a bridge and then follow the gravel doubletrack around another ditch and you have another nice singletrack on the west side of the ditch line and it will kick you back out by the Holly bay Park..

    At the bridge that goes over the ditch you can see a drop off the right and runs the east side of the ditch line and that trail kicks you out by redbluff, they both are a good singletrack some technical sections, not a ton of uphills but spots to get moving, I like it since i can ride from the house run that loop a few times and knock out 10-15 miles.... great for a close training ride and testing my bike after working on it ........

    it is sprinkles a little forget about going it is very muddy and the ditch will over flow, the city does a decent job of cutting back the grass but still be aware have seen snakes out there also be careful of people walking and running the trails a couple of blind corners.....

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  • Miguel Alonso

    It's really greate for biginners to learn here , since the side trail along the gravel trail is preatty fun

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  • Jetnjeff29r

    The Map It directions now get you to the Kipper Mease Sports Complex Trailhead of the Armand Bayou path

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  • Jetnjeff29r

    Map it directions are way off. Follow written. We only found a paved path of various widths, next to busy roads, near the Bay Area park some what near the Map it directions. Can't get written directions on the phone app. Here is a trail map http://www.ksmithwriter.com/Armand_Bayou_Hike_And_Bike.pdf

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  • debbielane57

    This is a great trail for beginners and those who enjoy a casual ride, especially through the woods.

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