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Level: Intermediate
Length: 14 mi (22.5 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +679/ -686 ft
Total: 87 riders
Mountain Biking Arrowhead Trails
#10 of 112 mountain bike trails in West Virginia
This is an IMBA built stacked loop system, which means that the inner loop is green and the middle loop is blue and the outter loop is blue/black. there are maps at the trail head signage and all the trails loop except one (Lecroy) that ends at the Kaymoor Rd back by where you turned onto Kaymoor.
Recomended Loop: Any, just go out there and ride them all & then turn around and ride them backwards. All the intersections are very well marked.
If you like to climb bring your gear bc you are only a stone throw away from world class climbing.
First added by one_mtber on Feb 29, 2012. Last updated May 4, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: unknown
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
From intersection of RT19 and rt 16 in Fayetteville, WV turn into town (in between Tudors Bicuit and Exxon) go through traffic light (New River Bikes is 100 yards before light on right and Marathon Bikes is Left at light immediately on right.) About 1/4 mile past the light turn left on Gatewood Rd. Go approx 1.9 miles and turn left on Kaymoor Rd (There are National Park signs at the turn) go all the way to the "T" and turn right, it dead ends in the trail head parking lot.
Fayetteville to Dalton loop ( Arrowhead) and back. Dry and marked well as usual. One of my favorite rides!
Thank |Fun trail to ride. After the first few up downs you get into a groove. It feels like a roller coaster. Well marked, a few obstacles like rocks and roots. The ground is well packed not sandy at all. There were a few spots where water seems to pool but nothing an experienced rider can't handle. You can really build some speed going through this trail. I wasn't sure if my 26" was up to the task but it handled this trail like a champ. Highly recommended. Make sure you stop by the Bike Farm for some grub and brew after.
Thank |Stacked loop system is perfect for all skill levels. Huge bonus for location, beautiful natural features, amenities of Fayetteville and perfect flow without being double track.
Thank |very cool trails. we stayed at the bike farm and had great food and cheap tune ups.then the actual tails. it began with a decent, then meaning it ended with a climb. at least that's how it was for us, we entered at O. one getting into the bulk of the trails, they were very cool. had short an punchy climbs matched with long descents, there was good flow but has rock features that broke it up and gave it the fell that it was not too easy.
Thank |I am a local guy but this is the first time I have ridden these trails. Not very technical but very good flow as other reviewers have mentioned. Good mix of down hill and short climbs that require a burst. I will make this trail system a part of my regular riding.
Thank |This is a really well thought out trail system. The way these trails were made they just carry so much speed. Not much in terms of technical features but tons and tons of flow. The climbs are short and punchy. I could have ridden these trails all day.
Thank |Also Arrowhead bike farm is a must stop post ride. The fish tacos were a perfect finish to a great ride.
Trails are fast with lots of flow, and drain really well.
Thank |Firest time riding here. Very nice ride. For first time riders I recommend to visit bike farm. You will get all info you need and more. Don't forget to stop by on your way back for beer and food.
Thank |Also for people going there first time you need to visit long point. Buitiful view of bridge. Take bike lock because you will need to leave bike behind shortly before end of trail.
Well marked and levels for every rider!
Thank |Well maintained, fun flowy trail system. I am not an exceptional mtn biker by any means, and this trail system had enough climbing, descending, and rocks & roots to be fun but not overwhelming. We covered most of the trails and it was a blast! Very well marked.
Thank |We happened upon Arrowhead Bike Farm and fell in love with the place. Adam was welcoming and helpful with maps and hints for the trails. He has a great bike farm in process here!
Fun trail with lots of variety. Fast sections along with some technical rock gardens. Would like to ride this series of trails again soon.
Thank |I have ridden these trails 3 times when I venture out so my husband/friends can participate in Bridge Day & I can ride! Clearly, I think they're worth riding in a car 11 hours one way to ride for one day! Very flowy, and not too technical at all. I wouldn't rate them advanced by any means, especially given the variety of trails (some fire roads for very beginners), and no particularly challenging parts. I am able to easily ride 2 hours without getting fatigued as I do on some more technical trails.
Thank |super flowy. an amazing ride on trails that were built specifically for bikes. no horses allowed !!!!! my first choice for trails out of town. if you ride you will love it. period. best marked trails ive ever ridden.
Thank |Sweet trail system, well marked and nicely groomed. Nice fast flow. Two good bike shops in town and good eats and beers at pies and pints. Definitely check this trail system out its worth it!
Thank |Tight trail with a roller coaster type feel. Climbs are not very long or steep but there are quite a few. Went after a few days of rain and this system drains quite well. Very well marked. Fun trail that will keep you coming back.
Thank |Excellent trail. I did the Dalton and LeCroy loop today. 4/14/12. Good flow that tightens up with speed. One section is kind of like an extended pump track. I'll be back.
Thank |