A narrow dirt path winding through lush green foliage in a forest. Sunlight filters through the trees, creating dappled light on the trail. The surroundings are dense with vegetation, giving a serene and natural atmosphere. Baldpate Mountain mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +403/ -390 ft
Total: 105 riders

Mountain Biking Baldpate Mountain

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#21 of 111 mountain bike trails in New Jersey
#1,431 in the world

A Very nice trail with long smooth sections, rsome challenging areas, and good hills. Area stays wet several days after rain so be prepared. Maps available here:


First added by jpo on Aug 27, 2009. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From I-95: Take Rt. 29 N to Church Rd.
From Lambertville, Take Rt. 29 S. to Church Road. Turn left and follow Church Rd. until you come to the intersection with Fiddler's Creed Rd. Park on the Access Road for Washington Crossing SP.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Lambertville, New Jersey

Advanced | 7 mi
Easiest | 7 mi

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  • JoeCool130

    Baldpate is good place to check out if you want a good workout and some variety. The blue trail is short but has a nice DH section, the orange is more techy with sketchy rock step downs. Place stays very wet after rain and can be over grown at times. Put on bug spray, red and white trails are fun and flowy. Could ride over a creek bed into Washington Crossing Park and make a day out of it. Not many features, maybe one skinny and a log pile or two.

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  • C5Driver

    Green trail is a bit over grown by Church road. Trail maintainers went through and got a lot of the over hanging thorns. Some slightly muddy areas, but in general trail is in excellent condition.

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  • reidsvillebikes

    First time at this trail. Started out on the "Orange trail" very rocky, basically hike a bike. Went on the "white trail" which is double track wide. Pretty long down and uphill.

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  • reidsvillebikes

    First time at this trail. Got on the "orange

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  • zmodica

    nice park. Has a little of everything. Up hill,down hill, fire roads, rock gardens, power line trails. Something for everyone

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  • Msestinek

    Yellow trail is overgrown. The white trail is very easy flat gravel. The red trail is wide and a good long steady up and down with lots of Little Rocks. Blue trail is single track and has got some technical areas also has rocks. Has one section that is basically stairs out of boulders.

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  • chriswhit

    Road today, agree with other posts trails stay very wet for at least a few days after even minimal rain. Frankly, I think these trails have a lot of potential, great elevation change and steep grade for this area- also nice combo of flow sections and rocky switchbacks (particularly C in my ride today). But it is not well maintained, major places rocks and built up areas are lose and the whole place is over grown with pricker bushes. Maybe it's just the start of the season? This is my first season rising East, but if we got some guys in the to clean it up- HUGE POTENTIAL. Look forward to riding again on a nice dry day!

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  • nishriver

    Good system with lots of sustained climbing and Descents which can be hard to come by in central west Jersey. Red and orange trails off sides of mountain can get technical and are mostly out and backs. White trail is non tech but is flowy with nice loamy dirt. Can also link up some trails in Washington Crossing park for longer ride.

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  • Bstrope

    Good challenge, has rocks, roots and elevation. Does not drain quickly after rain so be prepared to wash your bike afterwards.....if your like me it needed to be washed anyway!

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  • mtnbike999

    This is a good place for a short ride. There is a lot of climbing, which I like for a change of pace. The orange trail is rocky and has a steep decent and climb. Overall, it is a good ride.

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  • SchmeddyBallz

    It was interesting. I started out taking the white ridge trail pretty much to its end. This was the easiest trail I encountered. Some large ish rocks kicked me around but it was mostly a doubletrack trail that was easy cruising. Then I did a loop on the red trail which was at first slightly overgrown then a steep decent on loose construction rock and then into a steep climb on equally unstable surface with some larger rocks and roots to boost over. Then I found the top of the blue trail. As a new mtb rider this trail was impossible for me. The rocks were huge and numerous and it was very steep. So I walked out of there after a few hundred feet. I'm not sure if it is passable but if it is it takes a very good rider. Then I found some offshoot of the white trail which was nearly overgrown but doable. This trail was really steep with very narrow singletrack and a lot of switch backs. Eventually it put me out in pleasant valley road. I decided to bike back on the road because I couldn't face climbing the 1.5 mile decent if just come down. Once back at the parking area I went out for a loop on the orange trail which turned out to be a little too crazy for me. The decent was pretty crazy with it being really steep on very loose rock then the climb back to the ridge trail was really steep with tons of downed trees and loose rock. Eventually I had to walk it and even that was tough. Overall it was a fun time with a lot of decent and a lot of steep climbs. I made it by with a hardtail bike but I but a full suspension with a more aggressive pair of tires would help on the loose decents. I'll be back and would recommend it to adventurous beginners to probably some advanced riders as well.

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  • Justin.E

    Nice short ride with some challenging climbs.

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  • Phillychris498

    Some good single track, although I found it hard to find my way around. I could only spend about an hour without getting bored.

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  • dannys42

    This was my first time riding here, and I should have heeded the warnings about riding here after a rainfall. I started out on the White trail and immediately made a left onto Orange. From there I understand where the warnings stem from. There were rivers running down the center of the trail. That was just the water, the trail was so overgrown with sticker bushes, my arms were shredded at the end. I made my way back up the slippery, steep and rocky climb to the same place I started on the White trail. My suggestion is to take White to Red. I didn't. I took the White to the Yellow trail. Which going down was AMAZING! once at the bottom though? Either take the road back up on Fiddler, or climb Yellow back up. I did the latter. FUN, FUN AND MORE FUN. Steep and fun. Once at the top, go left and take the Red trail which was another river trail. Once in there take to intersection of Red trail. If you go left, you end up at power lines . Turn around and take Red up really fun switchback climb and eventually end up on White. Take a left to go back to car. Summation....... LOVED IT! Must say it would have been awesome if not for sticker bushes and the amount of water. The blazes start off too far down trails, so a little confusing, so if not sure, go down trail 50 or so feet. Check it out on a dry day! Keep the rubber side down!!!!

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  • horatio584

    We started at the Pleasant Valley Road entrance (thanks JPO), which is about 3 miles up from Rt. 29. If you want to start at a higher elevation and ride down (then back up again to your car), this is the entrance to start from (conversely, if you want to ride up first, then ride back down, start at the Fiddler's Creek Road entrance). The white trail (Ridge Trail) was nice...little rocky, but nice, long downhills and uphills - it's about 2 miles one way.
    The orange trail (Copper Hill Trail) was overgrown, steep, very rocky, and has it's share of obstacles - parts of this trail are basically unrideable. The Creek Spur (one of the blue trails) connects Fiddler's Creek Road to the orange trail. This trail is very tough - good for hikers and equestrians - don't bother unless you feel like carrying your bike or breaking your neck. We did not have time to explore the other trails.

    Interesting note: There is a clearing close to the visitor's center (end of white trail) with a great southward view of the Delaware River, Trenton, and the giant landfill down by Tullytown - probably great for stargazing and photography.

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  • Tempobon

    Steep, rocky trail with virtually no man made stunts (at least not where I rode). Be careful of the orange trail. At the top it says "Not suitable for horses" nuff said! Decents are long and can get extremely fast.

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  • jpo

    Trail is very good. A lot of stuff won't over-extend a beginning rider, but still enough challenge for those who are more advanced. Lots of hills, so if you stay in shape in the off season the same way I do (D&R Canal Tow Path) than be prepared to remember why you have lower gears.

    Directions update: There is better parking located off of Pleasant Valley Road, about two miles up on the right. Follow the short gravel side street to a large parking area with multiple trailheads. Riding from this area is much easier and more enjoyable than the directions posted above.* Review edited 4/29/2010

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