A mountain bike leaning against a tree on a rocky path surrounded by trees and vegetation in a forested area. Bear Creek Regional Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Doubletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +1,527/ -1,614 ft
Total: 96 riders

Mountain Biking Bear Creek Regional Park

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#317 of 1,394 mountain bike trails in Colorado
#3,010 in the world

This place has some good hills and wide trails. Alot of hikers and joggers use these trails, not to mention the people with the dogs. There is some singletrack here that is closed to bikes but is well worth the ride if you are feeling gnarley. Use these trails to connect with Gold Camp Rd. and Captain Jack's for a nice long ride.

First added by Jeff Barber on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From I-25, exit at US 24 West, Cimmaron St. Head west. At the second stoplight (21st St.), turn left.The trail is on the right after the big hill. Parking is available on the right.
System trails (2)
 difficultyBear Creek East Side2 mi
Intermediate difficultyStephanie's Trail***1 mi

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Snow: powder (Feb 11, 2025)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Colorado Springs, Colorado

Intermediate | 8 mi
| 1.5 mi
Intermediate | 12 mi
| 0.9 mi

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  • mongwolf

    Narrow singletrack trail that serves as a nice add-on to longer rides such as Palmer/Section 16. Use the narrow singletrack social trail near the top to connect up with Bear Creek Trail and make a nice short loop. Ride in both directions.

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  • mongwolf

    Narrow single track mtb specific trails have been added (or old social trails approved and upgraded) just up above the sports fields. There doesn't appear to be more than 2 miles of trail, but these are good quality mtb designated trails and a major improvement for this park. Hopefully there are more to come. The sports field parking area makes for a good starting point to use BCRP to access the Palmer/Section 16 loop and other trails like Captain Jacks. Don't forget to throw in Stephanie's Trail near the junction of Lower Gold Camp and Bear Creek Roads. And if you haven't had enough by then, when you return to the bottom of BC, you can play around on the new mtb trails.

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  • JamzMan777

    Nice if you just want to take a quick ride. Hard surface red rock paths with gravel in addition plentiful hikers make the downhills a situation where you won't be going full blast. Hit it in the morning to avoid blazing sun. (Almost all in the open field with little wood line).

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  • Greg Heil   ✓ supporter

    Aside from one technical descent, this trail system isn't anything special... but it's still decent singletrack riding in the city. Not too bad, all things considered.

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  • ~Mountain Bike Addict~

    Mostly flat system with tons of hikers and lots of horse poop along the trails. Going east you can get some speed up only because you're going downhill. If you go on weekends it's guaranteed you'll run into a few hikers with dogs unleashed.

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  • RideorDie

    This trail network is good for families. The more west you go the more single track you find. This place can connect to a lot of different trails, but really ...why would you want to unless you are with the family?

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  • John Fisch

    Other than the final descent to Bear Creek Road at the west end (which is to short to be interesting), there's nothing to see here. Wide, packed gravel trails suitable for dog-walking (of which there is much). Best use is as an extended warm-up as you approach Palmer Loop/Section 16, Intemann Trail, or Gold Camp Road on your way to the Cheyenne Canyon trail network. UPDATE: New singletrack has been cut here. There are numerous narrow singletrack loops available at the lower end of the park and Stephanie's trail on the high end really improves this place. It's still best as a connector to other trails up high, but now you can have a lot more fun getting there. Also, the "Stephanie's Trail" provides a stiff climb (or descent), some tough technical spots and a singletrack alternative to part of Gold Camp Road when traveling between Cheyenne Canyon and Bear Creek Canyon.* Review edited 3/6/2012

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  • teamfreak16

    Nice, mellow ride with some good climbing on the west side of 21st St. It's a fun place to ride every once in awhile.

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  • bikeamaroq

    Nice trail with a nature center at one end. Has some good hills along the way even though it is flat for a long time over one of the paths. It's fairly easy and isn't the best place to go if you're looking for serious single track. It has a great river to take family to for a picnic though. Overall, I give it a 6 as a MTB trail. * Review edited 3/31/2007

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  • ChillyWilly

    I started at the Bear Creek Nature Center, After about 3 miles of uphill work I finally got to the down hill portion and it was exciting. The uphill was a good workout clear trails used by hikers, horses, and pets on leash. The desend was good alot of rocks and sharp turns and wonderful views. It ended at Bear Creek Road and I traveled down it to the Nature Center another fun ride.

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  • westfamily60

    I rode the eastern (across Cresta/21st Street away from the mountains) portion of this track with the family. Great family ride. The hills may be difficult for children, depending on their ride capablity. If your looking for a speed workout, this might be a great place but be mindful of the loose gravel. Watch out for the joggers, walkers, and pets.

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