A mountain biker riding on a dirt trail amidst red rock formations and desert vegetation during sunset, with golden light illuminating the landscape. Bell Rock Trailway mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 3 mi (4.8 km)
Surface: Doubletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +669/ -685 ft
Total: 78 riders

Mountain Biking Bell Rock Trailway

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#100 of 417 mountain bike trails in Arizona
#3,122 in the world

This 3.5 mile trail is smooth & wide and built for multiple user groups, its very popular with hikers and dog walkers. The main reason for posting it here is that it acts like a thoroughfare for bikers as many of the routes in this area either start, end or both from this trail. From the South end in Oak Creek it is a slight climb north for about .5 mile and then it starts down the other side towards Sedona. Its about 1 mile to the trail leading to the 2nd viewpoint. The trail winds its way through trees and across slickrock all the way to its low point and the north end at the far viewpoint parking lot near Sedona City Limits.

MTB trails accessed from the Bell Rock Trailway;
Big Park Loop
Courthouse Rock Loop
Llama Tr
Templeton Tr
Little Horse Tr

First added by AK_Dan on Dec 5, 2008. Last updated May 1, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Large trailhead parking located at the north end of the Village of Oak Creek (5 mi south of Sedona) on the east side of highway 179. Northern end is located at the southern Sedona City limits on 179 at the Scenic Viewpoint turn off & trailhead, also on the east side of the highway. There is another access point in the middle via a 2nd Scenic Viewpoint just about halfway between the two ends, almost directly west of Bell Rock.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Oak Creek, Arizona

Intermediate | 2 mi
Beginner | 16 mi
Beginner | 3 mi
Advanced | 10 mi

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  • bnordo

    I loved this track. It's very scenic and a fun social trail to take anyone on for a nice ride in Sedona.

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  • mongwolf

    I rode this a few years ago when I first started riding. Very wide and not so interesting. The DH to the Village of Oak Creek does have a lot of speed and a few jumps. So that was fun. I admit, I was smiling at the end of that. =) It's a nice trail to take new riders and give them a positive experience and some confidence.

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  • Reet

    Really easy trail for beginners, but great views

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  • terjeundheim

    Bell Rock is a perfect beginners trail. Smooth trails, not to technical but still a lot of action and possibility for high speed cycling. A good introduction to single trail and to the awesome trails in Sedona

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  • chigby

    I'm not an advanced MTB'r. I'm over 50 and new to the sport, but I've clocked in alot of rides in the past 2 years. Bellrock was pure fun. The thin air caught me off guard, coming from TX, the climb was an oxygen suck, but Ioved the slickrock at the top and took a few off shoots to add miles onto our ride. It's a beginner trail for sure, but fun for everyone.

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  • norski

    SkiBum has it right. Think of this trail as a launching pad to get on a lot of nice singletrack in the Bell Rock area.

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  • John Fisch

    This trail is far too wide and far too busy with hikers to be much good of its own accord. If I was grading purely by what's under my knobbies, it would barely rate it two stars. I bump it up to three, though because it is nonstop with fantastic scenery and provides access to some really great singletrack like Templeton, Llama, and Broken Arrow via Little Horse. Also, some of the side trails provide som fun spots including some great slickrock opportunities.

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