A person riding a mountain bike across a rocky stream in a forested area, with a stone bridge and a vintage water wheel visible in the background. The scene is set in a serene, natural environment during the fall, with fallen leaves and trees in the background. Berry College mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +1,605/ -1,577 ft
Total: 81 riders

Mountain Biking Berry College

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#84 of 406 mountain bike trails in Georgia
#2,021 in the world

Start up the gravel access road "House of dreams" it's a good 3.5 mile climb up to the house of dreams, nothing technical, just good old fire road climbing. Once you get to the house of dreams, follow around to the side of the lookout tower and you will see the "Bike Trail" sign, dip into that trail for a nice singletrack that follows the ridge line for a couple of miles back down to another fire road, it's a nice little trail with some good flow for this area. Once you get to the fire road you have many options: you can cross the road and ride "tight-rope" which takes you down to another fire road along a resevoir and then back up hill to the house of dreams fire road, or you can go left (instead of tight rope) and take any number of singltracks down the hill and end up back on the main road back to your car, or you can take the fire road (where you ran into tight rope) left all the way back to the main fire road, go back up to House of dreams and come back down the singletrack. If this is confusing, drop in on one of the bike shops in Rome and they can hand draw you a map like they do for many riders. (So far there are no published trail maps for these trails, but most of them are well ridden). You can ride about 10-12 miles which comes out about half and half singletrack vs gravel/fire road.

First added by sandm96 on Sep 11, 2006. Last updated Nov 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: no
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: no
  • Restrooms: no
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: no
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
From Rome, take Hwy 27 (Martha Berry Hwy), Turn Left into Berry College. Go through gate and all the way back to the Mountain Campus (Wynnshape). Follow the road to the right, pass the swann ponds, theres is a big Chaple on rt., park in that parking lot (buy the fire road). Take the main road up the hill until you come up to a gated gravel road that has a sign for "House of Dreams". That Gravel road is the One of the trail head.
System trails (2)
Intermediate difficultyBerry College****10 mi
Easiest difficultyViking Trail**3 mi

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Singletrack at Berry College
House of Dreams trail
Rainy day at Berry College
Berry ride with Trey
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Rome, Georgia

Easiest | 3 mi
Beginner | 5 mi
Intermediate | 5 mi
Easiest | 3 mi

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  • Racerx32571

    What goes up, must come down on the singletrack. Nice ride

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  • spc7669
    Reviewing Viking Trail:

    This is a paved bike and walking path. Very little challenge. You can exit the Mountain Campus end, turn left, go by the horse stables, and make a loop by adding Old Redmond Gap Road.

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  • spc7669

    The campus and parking areas are very nice. Tons of fire roads, some singletracks, and wildlife everywhere. I'm still working my way through all the trails. Viking is paved. Schoolhouse Road, O'Bryant, and Old Redmond are fire roads.

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  • RutledgDavid

    Climb up to House of Dreams was a fire road but a good climb. Lots of Deer. On to the trail it is very rough - worse than the snake creek gap in many areas. Not maintained at all. No or little signage. Old mill was cool and type rope was a good rough down hill. This didn't live up to my expectations.

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  • *****

    Im no expert but have ridden alafaya, santos, san felasco etc in FL, most of GA trails, Racccoon Mtn, Tsali & others. But this is one of my favorites. Single & dble trx abounds. From narrow rock gardens to remote rugged fire roads. If u go exploring try to find the remote location of the very old abandoned cattle slaughter-house. I found by accident one saturday. Years ago the Berry XC team trained on these remote area trails.... Wonderful folks up at the Winshape center on Berry's Mtn Campus. Theyre always helpful!

    Happy Trails!

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  • BenRhino
    Reviewing Viking Trail:

    The viking trail is an asphalt path, wide enough for a car, completely straight for 3 miles, and flat. It runs parallel to the 3 mile stretch road connecting Berry's main campus and mountain campus. There are no cars, so no fear of being run over by Joe Sixpack texting and driving.* Review edited 10/18/2012

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  • BenRhino

    From berry.edu/recreation:
    Hunting Notice | Deer Archery Hunt, Sept 9-Oct 29, 2012 and Nov 4-16, 2012
    Horse, bicycle and foot trails are closed before 10am during deer archery season. During these hunts, only permitted hunters are allowed on the WMA and all other activities are prohibited before 10am.* Review edited 10/13/2012

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  • rghice

    Trails are open now

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  • millstkd

    This trail is closed until further notice due to all the downed trees from the recent storms.

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  • GoldenGoose

    Nice ride with some cool and unexpected scenery. Check out the picks of the mill and the tower. Will post the GPS route soon. Rode the loop described overview. Mostly fire climbing with some tight singletrack sections to take you down the hill. I'll probably come back and ride here again to see if I can find some of the more obscure sections of singletrack. The biking trail map on the schools website shows "40+" miles of trail but it looks like the majority of that is actually fire roads.

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  • dustyg314
    Reviewing Viking Trail:

    great way to get outside and get someone that into the sport. at the end you can cross over and take the fire road back all the way to the ford buildings.

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  • dustyg314

    If you start at the waterwheel you can connect with the trail system that way also. It's a little easier climb than the "gator" also bobs cycle shop used to have a map of the entire system which is quite large.

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  • jcw2009
    Reviewing Viking Trail:

    overall this trail is a easy trail not many hills very smooth ride. i recomend it for someone who just wants a quick easy ride w plenty of wild life

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  • SouthernHiker.com
    Reviewing Viking Trail:

    This is an extremely easy ride on the paved trail, and if you start on mountain campus, you can make a loop out of this ride by crossing over Stretch road at "pole 3"on the left (if riding from mountain campus) and the following the dirt road beside a dry lake bed. This road will eventually lead back to the parking lot near Frost Chapel. For more info.. check out SouthernHiker.com

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  • mesarider

    everything from fast pedal to slow pick-a-line

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  • chickenman567

    If you park at frost chapel then ride the dirt road to the end. you will have the option to turn left or right. turn left. the nick name for this around 2 mile ascent is "hurting Gator". on maps it's called Texas Valley Rd. so almost the top you have a choice of several routes. straight goes to House of Dreams then you can follow the previous guys ride which is awesome! quite technical, but awesome. or after crossing the gate be on the look out for the trail that starts off to the left. to my knowledge this trail does not officially have a name but some are calling it "Pleasant Gator". this seems to be a newer trail that is quite FAST, mostly smooth with two intermediate stages. the others are just fast and downhill, and very fun. There are several possible jumps on this run, but the landing area is tight and you are going pretty fast when you get to them, so Use Caution. I had a flat the other day before getting here and walked it down, not much fun. i did not realize how steep it was. This trail drops you off about 3/4 mile from frost Chapel on the dirt rode you came in on. when you get to the bottom of the trail take a Right to get back to parking lot, or go do it again.

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  • chickenman567

    Went out Sunday afternoon for a much needed workout and got just that. I parked at the base of Frost Chapel then rode straight back on the dirt/gravel road(it forks, i went straight) it ends with the option to go left, up "hurting gator", or right back towards main campus(3.5 miles). Chose "Hurting Gator" i had seen it and heard about it, even ran about 1/2 mile up it one day. This day i rode to the top. Twists, Turns, rocks all at about a 15 degree uphill grade. very difficult for me. Once at the top i saw 3 choices. one went straight and was gated. 1 looked to go over the ridge to the right. and another different fire road forked to the right which looked like it would to Big Texas Valley (not sure though). Chose the gated road ahead and just passed the gate found a single track off to the left which took me back down to the rode i came in on(near frost chapel). this single track was very clean and well groomed, i did not see much evidence that others had been there recently, but it was well groomed (?) did i say this was fast? at least 2 jumps for the daredevil, better land right or your toast! I imagine some folks could ride up this single track, not me just yet.

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