A mountain biker riding on a narrow trail through a wooded area covered in fallen leaves. The scene is sunlit, showcasing trees on either side of the path, creating a natural and serene atmosphere. Bicycle Post Trails mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +204/ -221 ft
Total: 116 riders

Mountain Biking Bicycle Post Trails

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#61 of 549 mountain bike trails in North Carolina
#1,213 in the world

This trail is private--trail permit must be obtained from Bicycle Post bikeshop in Greenville prior to riding (don't worry it's worth it). Trail is 10 mile loop. Very good trail to flow through with speed. Moderately technical in places, but nothing impossible even for beginners. A few climbs/downhills, log crossings, creek crossings--a little bit of everything. There is even a little "trick" section with a teeter totter, big log piles etc... Probably best trail east of 95 in NC. Races are held here on a regular basis. Visit Bike Post website (www.bicyclepost.com) for race schedule and more info.

First added by searsandrewj on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take Hwy 264 into Greenville. Turn left on Memorial Dr. Turn left at next stoplight this is Hwy 43. Follow Hwy 43 for approximately 10 miles look for Short Bridge Road on left--this is a dirt road. Parking lot is about 1/2 mile on the left (road beside field).

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Greenville, North Carolina

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  • JRookMTB

    Great trail, lots of dips, roots, hills to climb and turns. Could use more ramps and obstacles. Pipeline is great, downhill while having to jump the pipes to get through the ruts. Only complaint is that it's easy to get lost!! Took an extra 30 minutes to find my way out.

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  • Ugot2bjoking

    Great trail, a little neglected but worth the hour drive to get out and ride with friends.

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  • mckinney.peter

    Swamp Loop was nice and clear with some good flow. Getting farther back into the loops, flood/hurricane damage was still pretty prevalent. Lost the trail several times, and trees prevented passing several spots. It was being worked on, so I'm sure it will be clear again soon!

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  • Ashline96

    Fun single track. I'm from West Tennessee so definitely a big change from long grueling climbs with rewarding downhills that I'm used to. Stopped in the Bicycle post and paid my usage fee and signed the waviest where dude with a beard was cool and described the trail and rooty and technical. I'd have to agree with the technical side, it's a trail with roots but as long as you don't mind powering through them it's not an issue with the right tire pressure and suspension setup. (Low). I'll add that the in the (most advanced) loop there a lot of hidden gems around the corner. Definitely a reactive trail so be ready for a narrow bridge or a small dip you have to awkwardly bunny hop around here and there, but makes it fun. Trail is narrow and almost bowled in some sections so watch pedaling with toes down as I caught my size 14 clipped in shoes on a few sections and turns. The needed wooden features are maintained and fun. There are a few wooden drops that are rotten. Teeder totter worked well as I've been on some sketchey ones.
    Nice trail for the most and and will go back when I'm in town. Glad I bought the year pass.

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  • jahuddleston

    I rode this trail 2 days in a row while I was in the area. The trail is well marked which I always appreciate not being familiar with the trail. The leaves had been blown off of probably 80% of the trails. I went to the Bicycle Post bike shop in downtown Greenville. Nice folks and they gave me helpful advice. I signed the waiver there, but found that there are waivers at the trailhead. There is also a trail use few of $3 per day.

    The first time I rode the trail I found myself hiking a lot because I couldn't see the drop offs or I lost momentum on the climbs over roots. There are tons of roots!! It's a fun trail, though. It has a few (what I call) "oh crap!" drops. All of those cool bridges that you see a photo of at the top, don't exist anymore. All are rotted out, but they don't interfere with the trail. The second time I rode it, I had a blast! I only hiked 3 spots where I couldn't negotiate the roots. It's worth a trip! Thanks for maintaining the trail so well!

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  • wca_tim

    surprisingly good trail for Eastern North Carolina. lots of roots and some flowing areas. Can be tough to get through for beginning riders. fairly well used and maintained. Generally a lot of fun. Local so I ride it often...

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  • Danny Mooring

    Closest trail near Wilson worth riding. Wish it was maintained better. Sometimes the weeds get the best of it on the back trails.

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  • HokieMTBiker

    Went over the bars near the beginning on a short but fairly steep incline. Shoulder still in bad shape since that crash in 2013. Knee swelled up like a melon. Had trouble breathing for a couple of days. Rode it out with my buddies, Masterclean1 and others though...dammit!

    Trail is good for eastern NC, lots of roots, though. Better trails in Raleigh.

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  • Dhutch065

    For eastern NC, this is excellent. Never thought I would have found this on the flatlands of Greenville, but I'm glad I did. This trail is extremely technical with its roots and tight turns, but it's tough to have any flow it, so speed is limited. That being said, I found myself wanting to come back here time and time again. Bottom line - it's fun, and a great way to get out on your bike.

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  • Have bike will travel

    This is one of those trails I love to hate. It keep calling me back. It has so much variation. Some easy and some extremely difficult but to me it has just the right mix to make it enjoyable and a great work out.
    I wish it was better maintained and like the previous review mentions, the maintenance has fallen off in recent years.

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  • Brian Jacobs

    The ECvelo/Bicycle Post trails are some of the most technical trails in NC. It's a boneyard. There are more roots there than any other place I've ridden. It has some nice climbs and descents along with some tight cornering.

    There is a lot of new vegetation growth due to the recent (a few of years ago) farming of the trees in the area that can hamper your speed.

    As of this review there does need to be quite a bit of trail maintenance done. You can see where it has falling off over the years.

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  • masterclean1

    Pretty good flow, even with the heavy rooted areas. The Swamp Trail area was really fun for me. Good trail for a good work out.

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  • suntzu1138

    Awesome, but little flow.

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  • Raptor85

    Great trail system for the area. Swamp loop is the main trail and best maintained; it has lots varying terrain and elevation change. The other trails are good too and most branch off the main loop. Technical trail although it has enough flowy spots to keep it from feeling like a grind. Lots of roots.

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  • *****

    Trails were great although some of the obstacles need maintenance. Some of the bridges in BC Loop were rotting need repairing, just minor touch up work.

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  • *****

    Great trail with lots of variety. Well maintained. Recommend highly

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  • kingch06

    This is a very fun and challenging, in places, trail. Most of the trail is wooded with and is very pleasing to the eyes. It has several field entrances for races, which also act as bailout points (look for signs). The trail is very well maintained with a dedicated crew (the Bicycle Post).

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  • akgreer

    Great trail had a good first 8 miles until we got to the sea-saw section and broke my ankle due to the fact I didn't have enough speed and had to bail off of it! Other than that it was great, looking forward to riding it again once I'm healed!

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  • bikecowboy

    Been riding this trail every couple of months when I'm in the area for the last few years. I loved it from the first time I rode it. Don't worry that it's in the flat lands. It's a great little trail and gets changed quite often. I live and ride in WNC and look foward to riding it when I travel down that way.

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