A dirt path winding through a lush green forest, with tall trees and vibrant greenery on either side. The path splits into two directions, inviting exploration of nature
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 16 mi (25.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Lariat
Elevation: +541/ -527 ft
Total: 24 riders

Mountain Biking Big Limestone Loop

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#37 of 108 mountain bike trails in Kentucky
#3,843 in the world

Up Sheltowee Trail to Lakeview Trail and make a right. The loop starts at this intersection. Stay on trail until end of big downhill. Ride across wooden bridge and get on double track to pavement. Turn left and ride on paved road about 1/2 mile. Turn left on USGS gravel road (I think it is FS 16). Long, beautiful climb. Turn left onto FS 964. I usually stop at Amburgy Rock and hike up to top of rock and check out view from highest spot around. Back on bike, ride til road turns to doubletrack. Expect some wet/mud on the double. Then hit Big Limestone (Trail 109) for a big time. "Three witches" climbs will keep you honest. Left turn back onto Sheltowee for "all DH from here" finish. You will hit the intersection of Lakeview and continue DH to the car. Huge descent with exposure to the right, then left on this ending DH.

Total gain was 1810'. About 360' on the initial climb on the lollipop stick to the loop and about 1450' on the loop.

I'd say about 1/2 mile paved, 6-7 miles of gravel/double and 8-9 miles of singletrack. Absolute quality ride in a beautiful forest.

Map to follow when I get home and can get it off my GPS.

First added by seenvic on Nov 28, 2009. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Exit 133 of I 64. Go south, I think on 801. Don't make any turns. You park on 801 at USFS office/visitor's center. You go thru one stop sign (go straight) on the way. You will pass Cave Run Bike Shop on the way.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Morehead, Kentucky

Intermediate | 23 mi

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  • Chris Shannon

    A great trail to hit while in the area.

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  • cavedweller

    Good stuff, I left a more detailed review on the Cave Run Lake page. Trail here is pretty much weather proof...except for the forest road...its always muddy. There are a few new sections that were in the works the last time I was here.

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  • mtb4998

    Fun challenging trail. Ridge top sections are really fast.

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  • RoadWarrior

    The Lakeview #122 and Big Limestone #109 are a mess. They need some serious brushing. The Sheltowee Trace section was in somewhat better shape. Would be a nice loop if in better shape. Looked like I had lost a fight with a bobcat when done. Should also mention the predominate ground cover....... you guessed it, 3 leaves, do not touch! The trails on the west side of the lake however were in great shape, with one major flaw (Heavy horse use) Still the re-routes made necessary by the horse mud pits made for a more interesting trail. * Review edited 6/17/2012 They are aware of the trail conditions, so hopefully they will be improved soon.* Review edited 6/17/2012

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