A vibrant orange fat bike leaning against a tree on a dirt trail surrounded by tall, slender pine trees and lush green ferns in a forest setting. Big M mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 20 mi (32.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +834/ -604 ft
Total: 124 riders

Mountain Biking Big M

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#38 of 323 mountain bike trails in Michigan
#1,313 in the world

Big M has lots of rolling hills and some tough sandy climbs. The inner loop can be a bit tricky to navigate because of the many crossing trails, but it is very well marked with maps at most of the intersections. There's lots of options to create you own track through the network of trails on the inner loop. The outer loop is easy to navigate and a lot of fun to just hammer through the rolling hills.

First added by kuhnmark on Oct 26, 2009. Last updated May 6, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From Manistee take Caberfae Hwy/MI-55 E. Then take a right at Udell Hills Rd (south). After about 3.5 miles you'll see a sign for Big M. Turn right into the parking lot. There is a $5 day use fee per car.
System trails (21)
 difficultyBarber Chair1.2 mi
 difficultyBig Wheel0.7 mi
 difficultyBindle Stiff1.2 mi
 difficultyBullwacker3.2 mi
 difficultyCamp 241.5 mi
 difficultyCappers Peak0.2 mi
 difficultyCatamount2.9 mi
 difficultyCheat Stick0.4 mi
 difficultyCorkpine0.8 mi
 difficultyCross Over0.1 mi
 difficultyCut Across0.1 mi
 difficultyDouble Bit2 mi
 difficultyLumberjack1.4 mi
 difficultyOh Me 21.8 mi
 difficultyRoad Monkey2.8 mi
 difficultyRyberg Road0.9 mi
 difficultyShanty Boy2.5 mi
 difficultySide Trail0.2 mi
 difficultySky Pilot2.2 mi
 difficultySwedish Fiddle1.9 mi
 difficultyThe Firetower0.5 mi

Big M Trail map

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Manistee, Michigan

| 2 mi

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  • ngallagher77

    Great trail system. Outer loop is pretty chill save for 2 segments. Pretty section of Manistee NF. Interior trails Catamount etc ( not part of outer loop ) are really good not as manicured as outer loop....

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  • Russ Martin

    Under rated rode every trail in MI, this is in top 10

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  • Rick Plite

    old school singletrack, home of the Lumberjack 100 mile bike race. Ride as many as 33 miles without repeating a trail!

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  • CO80027

    Enjoyable singletrack that should be on your list to ride. Riding clockwise allows the majority of the climbs to be attacked early. Ride was in excellent condition and extremely well marked.

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  • Cvander90

    This trail sucks for mountain biking. The loops are confusing. Ended up trying part of the outerloop that said it was a black trail and it was nothing but extremely boucy trail with no hills and tons of dead brush that filled my shoes. I would not recommend this trail and will never be returning.

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  • [email protected]

    Some of the best terrain in Michigan. Big m features a variety of trails totaling somewhere around 38 miles. Lots of topography on this system. Good flowing singletrack and some wide trails mixed with double track. The NCT section and the outer loop are some excellent riding. Good climbs and fun descents through the beautiful Manistee National Forest. Shouts out to Shoreline Cycling Club for their maintenance efforts.

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  • Chemandy70

    18 mile loop of dedicated groomed fat bike in the winter. Not shared use, just for fatties

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  • Rick Plite

    Awesome loop options with some large hills. Connects to North County Pathway for limited riding

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  • trac

    wide trails in general..steep big hills. beautiful scenery. some flowy winding trails.

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  • mbcow

    Great trail. The easy trails are juat that; easy. Lots of twists and turns in some sections, making it funny exciting. It can get pretty narrow when youre going through some trees. Depending on what portion of the trail you are on the climbs can have switch backs or be straight up. The bigger climbs use switchbacks while the shorter ones are more verticle. Trails are very well marked with a trail map at every intersection. Dont bother going on swedish fiddle as its mostly overgrown.

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  • Terry Porter

    Lots of options with lots of riding. I've been to this trail system a few time and love it. There are some good climbs/downhills and plenty for winding singletrack.

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  • MIchigan MTB

    Recently rode this trail and discovered many sections of the outer loop to be unridable due to brush covering the path and other overgrowth. The inner sections of the park were better managed but haven't seen much use this summer. The up hill sections are brutal and go straight up the hill with no swithbacks to easy the pain. The same goes for the downhill sections which are straight down and do not last very long. Wish they designed this trail a little better because it has potential.

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  • Colton Lock

    Great trail. Hardpacked singletrack - big hills = big climbs but FAST descents. Very fun. The inner loop is great and the outer is good for a little more exploring too.

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  • jkrout

    Nice large loop that has a little bit of everything but overall not very technical. Decent amount of climbing but there are some nice downhills too. Only complaint is how sandy it is in spots. Forces you to brake sooner than usual at the bottom of some of the downhills.

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  • ***

    This place could be great! It was completely unkept when we went on 8/13/13. There were tons of downed trees blocking the trails, overgrown brush slapping you in the face almost constantly, and the last bit of trail was almost completely un-rideable due to the overgrowth and downed trees.

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  • Zoo1424   ✓ supporter

    It took me many years but I finally made it over to the Big M at the end of October. It was worth the drive. Starting off I was a bit disheartened as the first mile or two of trail was a mess - lots of downed trees and it looked like the trail was not well cared for. But after we were a couple of miles in, the trail was in great shape and I had a blast. Lots of tough climbs, but the reward was some great down hill runs. Very scenic area. I would definitely go back to ride this again.

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  • rodneyhumes

    A lot hills and some them are sandy and are hard to climb,but still a good ride

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  • eckman90

    Road it today with the crew. Nice down hills! Overall would like to come back and ride a few more laps.

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    Much of this is in the Manisttee Nat Forest and the outer loop is loads of fun. Only one notable climb on the back side pending on the direction you go. Its about 25 miles for a full loop and very well marked. The inner loops are just about the same in tech difficulty but I enjoyed hammering the outer loop. Also the NCT (North Country Trail) cuts through it and can be ridden which I recommend going out and back. Roots and rocks will be more prevalent on this section along with some sandy sections. Nice scenery and a fun ride.

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Rider questions

Q: I want to pre ride Big M Monday with my son for Lumberjack 100. Wondering if it's permitted to park the truck at the trail head overnight so we can bike pack and sleep in our hammocks out on the trail.