A dirt path winding through a grassy area, with patches of bare ground and some vegetation on the sides. Trees are visible in the background, suggesting a natural landscape. Bird Basin Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Easiest
Length: 25 mi (40.2 km)
Surface: 4x4 Trail
Configuration: Other
Elevation: -
Total: 22 riders

Mountain Biking Bird Basin Park

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#185 of 288 mountain bike trails in Florida
#6,323 in the world

Best to do is park on the side road adjacent to Bird Road. Find an entrance trough the trees or openings between bushes. Go on the trail heading north parallel to 157 ave. This trail is made of gravel and limestone. This particular trail will eventually end up on the Tamiami Trail (SW 8th Street). To the left of this trail there are several entrances that will lead to softer more technical trails made by "four wheelers" and motorbikes. The trails are in no particular order and there are several of them. If you stay on the gravel road you will eventually see a lake approximately one mile from Bird Rd. which is surrounded by other trails. It's also one of the the nicer views.
This trail is excellent for beginners, people in training and anyone who lives south and southwest and are too far from the other more technical parks.

First added by Yamil602 on Feb 18, 2011. Last updated May 4, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Bird Road and SW 157 Avenue
Take Turnpike to Bird Road (SW 40th Street). Head West on Bird Rd until 157 Ave. Trail will be West of 157 ave

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Miami, Florida

Intermediate | 6 mi
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  • 65

    Not the best area to ride..

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  • Lissette

    The end of the road is full of trash, people are using it as a dumping ground.

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  • Lillychiu

    ### Flooded ### can't be ridden. Post Krome Ave expansion this site has become completely flooded in all sides.

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  • Alfred.Valdivia

    This track is a great workout. It is mostly flat lands, but it is nothing maintained. Its pure woodlands. Great for getting used to riding in dirt. It's near my house so I'd go back.

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  • Marcel_Fernandez

    Lots of rocky terrain, most of the trails were made for ATVs but the trail around the outside of the wooded area is good for a ride. Has a good distance and its a good for a workout.

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