A mountain biker navigating a rocky trail, airborne over a set of wooden steps, surrounded by trees and greenery. Dust is kicked up from the trail as the rider focuses on the descent. Blue Mountain mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 12 mi (19.3 km)
Surface: Other
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +2,564/ -2,591 ft
Total: 82 riders

Mountain Biking Blue Mountain

*****   Add a review
#11 of 308 mountain bike trails in Ontario
#991 in the world

Blue Mountain Ski resort provides various leveled downhill runs. you need a specific bike for this place. Basically to enjoy this place a bike with 140mm is a required piece of equipment. Bring a full face helmet and armor. You can rent everything there as well. Very fun fast trails with high birms as well as knarly rooted rocky runs.
Just a great place to go fast and enjoy Freestyling and Dh running. Some runs are not for the faint of heart. Some can actually really hurt if your not used to this level of runs. Follow the trail marker levels.

I recommend tires that are at least 2.3 wide and fairly agressive. If you have a tire that has good transitional knobs that would be ideal. A Nevegal or Chunder would work well.

First added by Syd Patricio on Jun 28, 2009. Last updated May 10, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: yes
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: yes
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From the 401 and 400: * Take the 401 to Provincial Route 400 N to Barrie * ! Take the Hwy 26/Hwy 27 - Exit #98 towards Stayner/Wasaga Beach * At the stop light, turn left onto Bayfield St. N/Provincial Route 27/26 5.0 km * Travel North on Bayfield Street (Hwy #26/27) past all the fast food restaurants and shopping malls * ! Turn left at Hwy #26 West Stayner/Collingwood sign (GP Masonry & Landscaping Supplies is on the right) 34.0 km * Follow Hwy #26 West to Stayner, turn right at the lights (Esso gas centre) and continue along Hwy #26 West. 12.0 km * You will still be on Hwy #26 West * Go through the set of stop lights at the Mosley Street intersection, Wasaga Beach and continue along Hwy #26 to Collingwood * Proceed straight through the lights at Pilkington Factory (this will be on your left) 3.5 km * ! At the next set of lights at Collingwood (Car dealership on right and Home Furniture on left), follow the ramp to the right - you will still be on Hwy #26 West * Proceed along Hwy #26 West until you see the stop lights at the First Street/Hurontario Street intersection (Loblaws will be on your left and bulk barn on your right) go straight through those lights and the next two sets of lights until you reach the third set of lights with Holiday Inn Express on the right and Mac's Milk on your left. 4.0 km * ! Proceed straight through these lights, you will now be on Blue Mountain Road Ext. and will be driving straight towards the mountain. * Major landmarks you will pass along the way are: 1. Walmart to your left 2. Goodyear to your right 3. Billboard about Blue Mountain on your left * You will approach a set of lights where you will see Mountainside Sports to your left. 2.0 km * Proceed straight through those lights (the road now becomes Grey Road #19) and continue to Entrance One at the Resort or Entrance Two if you are an overnight guest.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Collingwood, Ontario

Advanced | 14 mi
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  • Paul Loeffelholz

    Toured around through Sea otter festival and biked up to the top and of an earlier set up enduro climb . Amazing run back down trails were dry and dusty .

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  • *****

    Awesome took my 4" squish 29er , definitely at the end of the bikes ability , but I'll be back all the same and bring my bike again

    These trails are awesome and a real test of your skills but with common sense anyone with experience can ride here and have a lot of fun

    Well done builders

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  • MrDreame

    The only place for proper DH ! Did the lessons and was a huge help for my first TIME . Fell in love on the first RUN - so many trails of every level - extremely well maintained . Would live there if I could!

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  • olimoo

    There is a real range of trails down the mountain (good for a first time DH'er like me). I worked my way from green to black runs and loved it.

    I thought I'd try and get a comparison between bikes so rode the first few easier trails on my FSR Stumpy. Queue Skippy, bouncy, squirly handling that raised the heart rate a little but was still fun and rideable.

    I then jumped on a Rocky Mountain Flatline, first time on a proper DH rig, and the difference was undeniable. Felt much more stable but learning to throw it into the corners more aggressively took some getting used to.

    It was a dusty, rocky, rooty, twisty, fast rollercoaster and although I had a couple of minor spills, the helmet and armour (rented from the store at the bottom of the hill) kept everything where it was supposed to be.

    A great place to ride but there are definitely opportunities to hurt yourself. Wear armour, start easy and work your way up to the really hard stuff.

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    Took my first DH lesson here and loved it! Definitely headed back next summer. Recommended for anyone interested in DH. Take a lesson if it's your first time!

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  • konacoiler

    Fast fun trails and steep white-knuckle trails. Best DH in Ontario by far. Decent length runs. Good for beginners to more experienced riders.

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  • Syd Patricio   ✓ supporter

    DH freeride hill. 15 runs that are awsome. They vary from flowing birms with high speed shuits to tight and twisty drops. Updated Haloe, Grab bag, Squeeker and Showcase have had minor changes, A few blue level trails added for those getting into DH.
    * Review edited 6,6,2014

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