A mountain bike resting on its side in a forested area, with the front wheel and handlebars elevated above the ground. In the background, a wooden platform made of planks is visible, surrounded by fallen leaves and tree branches. A water bottle is partially visible near the bike. The scene depicts a natural outdoor setting suitable for biking. Blue Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +117/ -85 ft
Total: 19 riders

Mountain Biking Blue Trail

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#106 of 302 mountain bike trails in New York
#4,202 in the world

Rolling track with some short steep ups and downs. Occassional sandy areas out near Wiggletown. Last time I rode there was in the 90's when I had just started mtn biking, on my rigid specialized hardrock. According to friends in the area there are a lot of stunts out there now. Enjoy.

First added by petersbike on Oct 24, 2005. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Start from behind the SUNY Plattsburgh fieldhouse. Many entry points to the trail.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Plattsburgh, New York

Beginner | 2 mi

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  • Doleman

    For a longer ride park at the marina and get on the bike path on Pine St. Follow it behind the campus to Angel Dr. where you go left to an athletic field and can access the trail by the river. Follow the trail behind PHS to Adirondack lane and go left to the Imperial dam to get back on the trail. Follow to the dam at the Military Turnpike and go left to the Carbide Rd. where you can access the trail on the south side of the river back to near where you started. About a 12 mile loop.

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  • muddy

    Poorly maintained trail system in the area behind the SUNY Field House. The trail system towards the dam is not labeled and overgrown.

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  • jstack11

    Glad I contacted RoadWarrior as the prior reviews were off putting. This is definitely a trail that CAN BE all done on rocky rooty tore up 4-wheeler trails. I suggest taking every offshoot from this main trail, as they all seem to circle back to main trail. Some off this off-shoot singletrack is as fun as it gets - skinny singletrack with 10 foot droppofs on either side. Some cool ups and downs. Its obvious no one has done any MTB trail maintenance in many years, with lots of old rotted obstacles around. I went when it was extremely dry, and had no problem with sand at all.

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  • RoadWarrior

    Some wide easy trails as you enter from the college, to get to the singletrack follow around the ball field to the corner next to the river, ( they are there). those trail are nice meandering single track, ( no ATV's in this part), if you keep going along the river, you will come to some expert trails past Reeves LN, these are sketchy as to make it impossible for the moto's to tear up. I was able to follow trail along the river all the way to Military Tpk. Lots of scenic spots along the river...
    Nothing great, but not as bad as the reviews sound, I was on my fat bike so was able to ride some of the ATV torn up trail.
    Not sure of the legality of the trails once past the interstate, but saw nothing to say no, ATV's have the whole area past Reeves LN torn up, just sections of ST left.

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  • gratton

    Wasted a beautiful day checking this spot out. Really a waste of time unless you like sandy double track. Rated as an expert trail? I would rate myself as advanced and my bike intermediate and was not technical or provide much of a challenge. Previously noted that ATV's and dirt bikes seem too rule. However, if you are a beginner there are no real climbs and its mellow so it may be good for little kids.

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  • small_town_mile

    This is a good, long, and scienic trail, although ATVs have been taking over parts of the trails. I was wondering if anyone knew more about how this trail started. My dad introduced it to me as his running trail from college in the 70s, with Pabst blue ribbon beer cans as trail markers (hence the name).

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  • mtbikeking669

    lots of hidden single track! pretty technical, but extremely fun

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  • mountainzen

    Wiggletown... Haven't heard that in a couple years. Yeah, lots of stunts now. Great scenic ride along the Saranac River. Fast.

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