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	Comments on: Box Lake Trail #110	</title>
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	<description>Mountain bike news, bike reviews, trail information, and tips for better riding.</description>
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		By: Tour Guide		</title>

		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Tour Guide]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Sat, 31 Oct 2015 16:05:30 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.singletracks.com/blog/?post_type=bike-trails&#038;p=278581#comment-256230</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Box Lake Trail offers access to one of the largest lakes in the area and has some really spectacular views.  When you get to the lookout above the lake be sure and stop and soak in the beauty. Don&#039;t just be in a hurry to get to the lake. The climb from the parking lot to the lookout can be a bit technical with rocks, boulders, washed out sections and drop offs.  You will probably find yourself hiking your bike through quite a bit of this. For that reason the trail is extremely popular with hikers, not so much mountain bikes. Once you reach the lookout the drop to the lake is about 450ish feet and really rocky. I highly doubt anyone will ride this section. Once at the lake there trail smooths out and follows the lake just above the shoreline on the west side. This section isn&#039;t bad.  It continues past the lake to the north a mile or two and connects with Crestline Trail where you can turn around or take Crestline either direction.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Box Lake Trail offers access to one of the largest lakes in the area and has some really spectacular views.  When you get to the lookout above the lake be sure and stop and soak in the beauty. Don&#8217;t just be in a hurry to get to the lake. The climb from the parking lot to the lookout can be a bit technical with rocks, boulders, washed out sections and drop offs.  You will probably find yourself hiking your bike through quite a bit of this. For that reason the trail is extremely popular with hikers, not so much mountain bikes. Once you reach the lookout the drop to the lake is about 450ish feet and really rocky. I highly doubt anyone will ride this section. Once at the lake there trail smooths out and follows the lake just above the shoreline on the west side. This section isn&#8217;t bad.  It continues past the lake to the north a mile or two and connects with Crestline Trail where you can turn around or take Crestline either direction.</p>

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