Map of Boyne Mountain ski resort, featuring various trails, ski lifts, and mountain statistics. The map includes labeled areas for different skill levels (easiest, difficult, most difficult), along with a legend for parking locations, lodging, and amenities. Notable features include a beginner area, terrain parks, and contact information for frequently called numbers. Boyne Mountain mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +1,498/ -1,490 ft
Total: 75 riders

Mountain Biking Boyne Mountain

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#56 of 323 mountain bike trails in Michigan
#2,172 in the world

If true northern Michigan mountain biking trails are your choice, you can grab a map and head out on 32.5 miles of newly remarked trails. At Boyne Mountain, you can ride to the top to begin your loop or catch a chairlift ride to get yourself and your bike to the top. You will find a variety of options from rugged mountain biking trails to rolling downhill trails and paved trails. The mountain biking trail system offers a variety of loops with descriptive trail names such as Stairway, Rootsville, Climb Time, Outback, Rock- N-Roll and DJ's Drop. These sections are also designated by difficulty level to keep the surprises to a minimum. If you prefer a more leisurely pace, enjoy the seven mile paved loop Mountain that travels around the resort property and offers scenic views of Deer Lake, Boyne Mountain's two golf courses as well as woodlands and wildlife before returning to the resort village.

In addition to Boyne Mountain's extensive trail network, additional trails located nearby make the resort a true biking destination. Two access points to the North Country Trail suitable for biking are located within 10 minutes of the resort as well as the Little Traverse Wheelway, which offers fantastic views of Little Traverse Bay and easy access to the quaint downtown districts of Charlevoix, Bay Harbor, Petoskey, Bay View and Harbor Springs as it winds 26 miles from Charlevoix to Harbor Springs. Plus our sister resort Boyne Highlands Resort offers a variety of biking options, from leisurely paths to cross country trails and Michigan's only lift served Bike Park complete with berms, jumps and stunt features.

The trails are open daily but chairlift hours vary. Please check or call the Adventure Center at 231.549.7256 for details.

Entry Fees
Bike trail access is free of charge. Chairlift access is free for resort lodging guests or $5 for a single ride or $10 for unlimited rides for non-houseguests. Mountain bike rentals are available at the Boyne Mountain Boyne Country Sports store.

First added by jrblackman on Jul 11, 2007. Last updated May 1, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: yes
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Boyne Mountain is located on 131 about 1 mile South of Boyne Falls MI. Turn into the entrance from 131 head to the tennis courts which are just past the indoor water park. Trailhead is by the tennis courts.

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Good (Sep 20, 2019)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Boyne Falls, Michigan

Intermediate | 11 mi

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  • Revz

    Terribly marked. Little, if any maintenance, large trees down. Could be a nice place to ride but not 10/18.

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  • T Dogg

    Not well marked, but alot there. Tight single track to nice wide smooth nature trails. Go blast with ypur buddies or cruise with th kidos. Its all there. However, trails are marked terrible, you will get lost or turned around at some point. Tons of different terrian. Lift service available at a charge of course.

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  • Gary Branham

    Trails weren't marked well, nor maintained all that great. Alot of up hill, but then again its a ski resort. Overall enjoyed.

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  • Kerm

    The trail system could be marked much better.

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  • Keith Walker

    Not really sure I liked this one... One of the employees at the resort referred to sections as "pretty gnarly," which translated into "we really don't make any attempt to maintain these things." I did about 11 miles of the 32 listed (many of them overlap, so I don't think it's a true 32), and I have to say that the trails themselves were fun and challenging, but, as another reviewer said on this page, the markings are awful. Colored plastic discs "mark" the trail, with white plastic discs printed with arrows show the direction. The markings and the condition are what keep this trail from being great - there are great climbs, some nice technical sections, and lots of land covered, but they're just not up to par with other trails in condition.

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  • Devon Suppes

    Poorly maintained trail, not marked well. Is some fun downhill sections. Not very technical, but some decent flowing trails. Best quality the Ski lifts bring you to top of Boyne mountain to the trail head.

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  • ahuyser

    Was expecting better. Trail was not marked very well and in need of some maintenance. Came across a handful of fallen trees and a lot of thorny overgrowth.

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  • jasonspopma

    First 3 miles pretty boring and the raspberry bushes eat you up but after that it is a great ride with both technical and speed. You can jump around between green, red and blue as they cross or are the same in several places.

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  • Colton Lock

    A good change of pace in lower MI. Really fun XC up at the top & some pretty cool descents on the ski hill.

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  • mattox09

    Trail is well marked. You have the Red Loop which is 9 miles, Blue Loop which is 9 miles and you have the Green Loop 10 miles. There also is a White Loop which is only 2 miles. There is some very good climbing here with that comes some super fun downhill action. Once you get to the top of the mountain you will come out by the golf cart path, take a left and follow the path for 150 feet or so and you will see the the last section on your right. Overall a great workout. Not for the beginner or if you dislike climbing.

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  • crash1

    Excellent single trak, well marked , and some sweet downhills to reward the climbs. Park and enter trail by the tennis courts

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  • DavidPeckjr

    Only ridden this trail once last year in the fall. I was new to mountain biking and found the trail hard to climb, fast to descend, lots of options for riding. Some sand, lots of singletrack. Trail as a newbie not to be taken lightly. At least the route I took. Hoping this year I will be better than last.

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  • epic.biker

    Don't confuse this with Boyne Highlands Ski Lift like I did. This has a large number of single track paths tho choose. For $5 you can get a lift to the top via the ski lift and take care of some of the uphill. The trails will still have a up and downhill so be ready to pedal. I found the trail not very well marked and in need of some branch trimming with the occasional sandy spot to watch out for, but overall a good place to ride.

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  • dzpd23

    Ignore this review. I haven't ridden here in 20 years. I sure it isn't the same.

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  • dzpd23

    Ignore this review. I haven't ridden here in 20 years. I sure it isn't the same.

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  • crash1

    I rode the Boyne Mt. Challenge race here, the trails were nice and flowy, then came the short little climbs, then a big climb with an awesome downhill, long and rewarding. Can't wait to go and just ride in the spring.

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  • RiversWhitson

    Good overall look out for sand spots, its very nice you dont have to climb it you get a chair lift ride.

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Rider questions

Q: Why isn't there a legend on the map to indicate the meaning of the different lines.