A winding dirt path surrounded by lush greenery and trees, with two people walking in the distance. The scene is set in a serene forest environment, highlighting the natural surroundings and a peaceful atmosphere. Briones Regional Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 25 mi (40.2 km)
Surface: Fire Road
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +746/ -1,595 ft
Total: 108 riders

Mountain Biking Briones Regional Park

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#146 of 1,004 mountain bike trails in California
#2,142 in the world

Maps at trail head. Basic East Bay rolling hills read some STEEP. Grass lands between forested areas.

First added by Juan_Gear on Mar 25, 2006. Last updated May 9, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
HWY 24 take the Orindo exit turn left ontu Camino Pablo then Right on Bear Creek Road. Park in the staging area pay your money

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Walnut Creek, California

| 9 mi
Easiest | 17 mi
Easiest | 20 mi
Intermediate | 2 mi

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  • Buddha43

    Im a lil biased as Briones is my backyard! I love riding there, great trails and scenery. Massive climbs so bring your lungs, there's something for everyone here.

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  • Sharon Curran

    Really enjoy the briones trail, nice pick to enjoy with friends

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  • Ladicius Hobbs

    Do not waste your time. Fire roads that feel like you're riding straight up the devil's driveway into pure hell. Dry, hot, exposed fire roads that lead to cattle tracked, sun baked, moon crusty trails with zero fun factor. I didn't think I could have a worse time biking until I went back a year later.

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  • NorCalStinky

    start at reliez valley staging area and go up the fire road you see another fire road to the right, keep going strait than make a left after a gate onto singletrack. one of my favorite places for singletrack. don't bother with alhambra creek trail unless you want to be obnoxious and go on a weekday cuz theres a lot of people on sat and sun

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  • Taylor Dibble

    ***Beware of rainy days***

    This review would be a lot better but I went on a rainy day. The dirt is very soft and it becomes like cake batter. Doesn't fling off the tire, builds and builds until your tires lock due to mud jammed in between the frame and tire. Probably a rookie move on my part, but definitely a learning experience. Other than that, saw some cool nature. Newts, coyote, and cows all made an appearance. Not that crowded probably due to the fact that it was super bowl sunday. I'm looking forward to going again on a bright, dry day.

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  • Suvacrew

    This park has several entry points from the surrounding towns. Plenty of bootlegged single track that doesn't appear on the park's maps. I've ridden this place for almost 20 yrs....and am very discreet about when to poach...as there is some sweet off limits trails. Weeknights late and very early AM weekdays and weekends will give the window to play in the no bikes allowed spaces.
    Plenty of climbing..rarely get out of there w/o 2500-3000ft of climbing over 12-15 miles. Some descents will get you into the 40mph + realm. Be courteous to the Horseback riders and the hikers and all will be fine. Tick one off and the ranger will be waiting for you.
    Single Track Trails you can ride legally. Blue Oak descent..has plenty of single with some airborne options, West end descent of Crest Trail down to the Bear Creek staging area. Alhambra Creek single track is bootlegged and not maintained by the park..is a blast, but be aware of others as you;ll carry speed into blind turns.
    When rain hits...it goes from cake mix to all out clay sludge and will become impassable in Winter. Summer is dry HOT and dusty. Bring plenty of agua.* Review edited 5/27/2009

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  • Juan_Gear

    Can be very steep, had to push the bike-O-fool some, but so did the gearies

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  • Juan_Gear

    Pick up map at kiosk when you pay the six bucks to park. Alhambra to Spengler. left on Briones Road trail, left on Briones Crest top top 1483 feet, drop down to Valley Trail to left on Old Briones Road Trail to Newt Hollow turn around. Follow Old Briones Road past Valley back to Alhambra

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  • Juan_Gear

    Can be very steep at times, rarely not steep LOL. Think single track is off limits

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  • pyros46290

    ive been here a few times with freinds leading, and pretty much did the same singletrack (hiker trail) and it was sweet. wish i could remember how to get there to do it again! really nice place to ride just firetrails if you wana hardtail it. nice veiws when you get up top and beautiful in springtime* Review edited 3/15/2008

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  • eastbayrider

    you can also climb from the other side of the park up Old Briones Road. The singletrack section is steep and rocky - oh and fun. You can make a left at the trail it crosses and loop back around for a second go. I've linked up several trails in Briones and found the riding there to be challenging and steep. Steep climbs and fortunately steep downhill. Careful on those tight turns as horseback riding is popular here.

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  • jollyrodger

    out of the parking you'll go through the gate and you want to follow the fire trail straight ahead of you, it's pretty easy to follow... after about a mile you'll hit a fork where you'll turn right and almost immediately make a "hairpin" to the right... most of this section is covered in foliage and follows along a creek, it's alot of crazy climbing but it's worth the singletrack downhill... you just keep on this trail for a while and will eventually hit a gate that leads you into a big open area... just keep on the main trail and it will hit another gate, you'll see at this point the trail turns left and up a hill... I know I sound confusing but it's really easy to follow... the trail keeps going and going and about a mile from the top of that hill you'll come to a massive downhill immediately followed by a massive uphill, just past this a singletrack rides up the side of the hill, and that takes you to the beginning of our singletrack...you have to hop a gate at the top and you'll see a bench and a little cement thing announcing that you're at the highest point in Briones... if you're sitting on the bench you will see a singletrack to your left... that's it.... the path down is easy to follow, there's one point where it crosse another trail and you'll hit one fork... turn left, this puts youon a fire road for a little bit, but keep your eye out cause just before you cross the creek a singletrack will branch off to the right, and that's were you want to go..... this is a fairly advanced technical trail, few good steep sections, and some roots and rocky parts, you will be riding on narrow, high trails, and look out for low branches... lots of fun, and the first "real" singletrack I rode... the singletrack brings you right back to the parking lot and you're set... *WARNING* DO NOT DO THIS TRAIL WITHOUT A CAMELBAK OR LOTS OF WATER, THE CLIMB UP IS RIDICULOUSLY TIRING...

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  • bensf

    You can make this ride as long or as short as you want, so its a great 30 min ride or a strenuous 2 and a half hour ride. Its maily fireroads but there is some slightly technical singletrack that you can take. Due to the adobe soil right after a rain it becomes very muddy and almost impossible to ride up, or even walk in some spots.

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