A mountain biker navigating a rocky trail in a scenic outdoor setting, with red rock formations and green vegetation in the background. The cyclist is wearing a helmet and a backpack, leaning forward on the bike as they descend the slope. Broken Arrow Trail System mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +469/ -525 ft
Total: 92 riders

Mountain Biking Broken Arrow Trail System

*****   Add a review
#6 of 417 mountain bike trails in Arizona
#130 in the world

The Broken Arrow Trail system incorporates a number of classic Sedona rides, such as Broken Arrow, Hog Heaven, Hog Wash, Pig Tail, and more. While some of these trails are relatively easy, others are more difficult and feature technical features and serious exposure. If you see a double black diamond sign, be sure that you want to continue!

First added by Greg Heil on Nov 6, 2014. Last updated May 9, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
System trails (9)
Advanced difficultyBroken Arrow Trail / Chicken Point*****2 mi
 difficultyChapel Trail***1 mi
Advanced difficultyHigh on the Hog*****1 mi
Advanced difficultyHog Heaven*****1 mi
Expert difficultyHog Wash*****2 mi
Beginner difficultyMystic Trail***1 mi
Intermediate difficultyPeccary****1 mi
Advanced difficultyPig Tail*****1 mi
Beginner difficultySubmarine Rock****1 mi
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Sedona: Broken Arrow-Chicken Point
Sedona: Broken Arrow-Chicken Point
Sedona: Broken Arrow-Chicken Point
Sedona: Broken Arrow-Chicken Point "Widowmaker"
Sedona: Broken Arrow-Chicken Point
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Sedona, Arizona

Advanced | 3 mi
Intermediate | 15 mi
| 2 mi
Intermediate | 2 mi

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  • bnordo
    Reviewing Submarine Rock:

    Just fun to go see submarine rock and have some lunch. It's cool riding on the red rocks and great spot for photos.

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  • Collin Buth

    super technical riding. beginners beware. plenty of fun spots. great views.

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  • michaelschafer01

    Sweet trail leading to the Hogs system. This is "A" level riding. Not for beginners.

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  • ebeeman
    Reviewing High on the Hog:

    As a Michigan trail rider, "High on the Hog" was beyond my skill level. I walked the trail without my bike before I attempted and am glad I did! Utmost respect for those biking this, I have much to learn. Amazing views, highly technical, not sure how guys can pedal steep inclines here. Zero room for error on narrow, steep, & rocky downhill sections. "Hog wash" following this more doable, more like nearby Slim Shady.

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  • Bav89

    Awesome trail system! rode it twice last summer. The hogs trails are super technical and have a lot of exposure to some huge cliffs. I would recommend riding with a partner I rode it alone and after a pretty good wipe out on a steep drop I realized it wasn't too smart. Still got a sweet scar on my forearm to prove. it lol Only kicking myself for not riding hangover too.

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  • studiofreak

    Amazing but intense. Be a great rider for this one...

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  • Greg Heil   ✓ supporter

    What a fantastic trail system! The Hogs are what technical mountain biking is all about--you have to check them out!

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  • Michael Bonnette
    Reviewing Mystic Trail:

    like others said, not great but a good connector and a good one for anyone just starting out in biking

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  • Michael Bonnette
    Reviewing Hog Wash:

    Very Short and fun. It is one you might want to ride kinda slower and get the feel for where the jumps and twists are then ride it again to hit it with more confidence

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  • Michael Bonnette
    Reviewing High on the Hog:

    Short but fun with a little of everything. I did walk one part but it is a great trail not too hard.

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  • sprodj

    Broken Arrow trails are great, with a wide range of trails for various abilities. Hog Heaven and High on the Hog both present more exposure (and challenge, IMO) then Hiline just on the other side of the 179, as well as giving some great vistas of the surrounding area. An absolute MUST RIDE system if you're in Sedona!

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  • John Fisch
    Reviewing Hog Wash:

    Super fun bit of tight and twisty, up and down roller coaster fun. This trail makes a great clockwise loop with High on the Hog/Hog Heaven.

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  • John Fisch
    Reviewing Hog Heaven:

    Huge fun factor! Fantastic scenery! Steeps, exposure, and plenty of variety. This is a hugely welcome addition to the Broken Arrow area! Don't let the double diamond on the local map scare you. There is a couple double-diamond spots which can be walked. The rest of it is single diamond or blue square navigable by any advanced rider and most confident intermediates.

    Best when ridden East to West. The final plunge to the intersection with Hog Wash is an absolute hoot!

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  • John Fisch
    Reviewing High on the Hog:

    Huge fun factor! Fantastic scenery! Steeps, exposure, and plenty of variety. This is a hugely welcome addition to the Broken Arrow area! Don't let the double diamond on the local map scare you. There is one double-diamond spot which can be walked. The rest of it is single diamond or blue square navigable by any advanced rider and most confident intermediates.

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  • John Fisch
    Reviewing Chapel Trail:

    This is an occasionally tough bit of singletrack which adds a couple loop options between the Broken Arrow and Llama networks.

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  • John Fisch
    Reviewing Mystic Trail:

    This is an easy bit of singletrack who's greatest asset is that it makes it easier to construct loops in the Broken Arrow area.

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  • John Fisch
    Reviewing Submarine Rock:

    Not much of a trail by itself, but it's a worthwhile spur if you want to see Submarine Rock, which is unique, even among Sedona's many offerings.

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  • Austin Harper

    Great trail system with fun for riders of all skill levels. Bring water and have a blast.

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