A scenic dirt path winding through a lush green forest, flanked by tall trees with fresh foliage. In the background, a weathered concrete structure is partially visible among the trees, under a softly overcast sky. Canada Creek mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 16 mi (25.7 km)
Surface: Fire Road
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +560/ -515 ft
Total: 16 riders

Mountain Biking Canada Creek

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#231 of 405 mountain bike trails in Georgia
#6,989 in the world

I've realized the hard way that I am not partial to trails that begin at a high elevation for an easy downhill descent (see Bear Creek description). The trail begins going downhill on forest roads and some pavement. About 7 miles later, you'll turn onto Canada Creek road and ride past a few farmhouses. Continue downhill on the rocky and washed out trail until you come to the scenic mountain valley. Then you will ride double track past a couple old silos and lots of wild flowers. As you approach the 10 mile mark there will be a few steel beams on the right. See picture. You will have to carry your bike over these bridge remains to cross Canada Creek. Once across, there is technical single track ahead. There will be large mounds of dirt in the trail meant to keep ATVs from riding here but it is not difficult to get the average mountain bike over. After the single track you ride on Gaddistown Road passing more farmhouses. When the pavement ends there is over a mile of pushing your bike up an extremely steep rocky hill and your thighs start paying for the downhill from the beginning of the ride. Overall, what I liked about this trail was the scenery and what I really disliked was the lack of single track and discouraging and painful end.

First added by searsandrewj on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
"Take GA 400 (US 19) from Atlanta to Dahlonega. Continue 2.2 miles past Dahlonega on US 19. Turn left onto Wahsega Rd. After 8.5 miles, turn right onto FS 80 at Camp Frank Merrill. Continue on FS 80 for 2.8 miles to Cooper gap parking area.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Dahlonega, Georgia

Easiest | 6 mi
Beginner | 6 mi
Intermediate | 2 mi
| 7 mi

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  • Greg Heil   ✓ supporter

    I was following along in Off the Beaten Track, and everything was going great until I had to find the "hidden singletrack surprise." After riding back and forth for a while, I eventually picked up the old road-turned-trail, and followed it for about a half of mile. And then it just ended. In the woods. In the middle of nowhere.

    Yes, it just ended. There was a field off to the left, so I spent a while wandering around the edge of the field looking for any semblance of road. Then, I headed back up in the woods and started working my way out in concentric circles, looking for a remnant of trail.

    I used to pride myself in my trail finding skills, but I could not find anything. Well, there were several times when I thought I might have picked up a trail of some sort. But it would lead nowhere.

    There may have been a trail there even as recently as last fall, but the leaves hadn't been ridden in, and there was so much dead fall in the area that if there was a trail, it could have been completely hidden under last fall's leaves and this winter's dead branches and trees.

    I ended up turning around and riding back to my car. In the end, my quick 1 1/2 hour 15 mile ride turned into about a 2 1/2 - 3 hour 23 mile epic.

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  • Jeff Barber

    I rode this route once 10 years ago and I was surprised to find it is still rideable in 2009! Most of this is on forest roads but the scenery is incredible and the climbs are challenging. The section on Canada Creek road is easily the best part. Gave it a 3 only because it's not really a singletrack route.

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  • Incabiker

    This trail is AWSOME!! I actually rode it on my dual sport motorcycle. Once you get on Canada creek for a while you start looking to your right, you can barely make it out but there is some single track that crosses a small stream. Go over this stream and then you will be in for a REALLY nice ride. If you complete all of it you will end up on 60 after going down some crazy rocky decent.* Review edited 8/14/2007* Review edited 8/14/2007* Review edited 8/14/2007* Review edited 8/14/2007

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