Sign in a wooded area displaying "youth unlimited" at the top, followed by instructions to proceed to Morrow Office for assistance. It includes a warning: "NO TRESPASSING," and advises caution due to winding roads. The background features trees and fallen leaves. Caraway Hills mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +595/ -502 ft
Total: 10 riders

Mountain Biking Caraway Hills

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#243 of 549 mountain bike trails in North Carolina
#6,199 in the world

6.5 mile loop spread across 155 acres in the beautiful Caraway Mountain Creek Valley. Four unique sections of trail named after the white-tailed deer that populate the rural area. You’ll encounter fast and fun single/double track, technical climbs, creek crossings, log pyramids, hair-raising descents, rugged unspoiled terrain, sweeping vistas, and “STAG”, a section with seven switchbacks.

First added by brianopitz on Jun 11, 2010. Last updated Apr 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there

From Hwy 220 South
-Exit at Hwy 311-N towards High Point
-Continue north on 311 for approx. 4 mi.
-At CITGO gas station turn left onto Beeson Farm Rd.
-Continue 3 mi. and turn left onto Youth Unlimited Dr.
-Trailhead is off of intersection after barn on the right.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Sophia, North Carolina

Easiest | 3 mi

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  • Tom55

    This is private property. It was explained to me that they have trails but they are currently closed to the public.

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  • Have bike will travel

    I checked on this trail while working in the area. No maintenance has been done for I don't know how long but the tree limbs cover the trail and make it un-ridable! Looked to me like it could be a very interesting trail if it was looked after.

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  • boalick

    The directions to the trail head end you at the top of Caraway Summit Trail which is in a neighborhood. I did not see anywhere to park although you can see a trail in the woods. I went to bottom of hill and parked and got on trail there. There are no markers anywhere that I could find and ran into no trespassing signs further into the woods. I followed another part of the trail back up the mountain and came out into someones back yard. There are definitely trails here but nothing indicating that it is legal to ride around in this area. I tried to find this trail the previous day and went down Youth Unlimited drive and a sign is posted that clearly states that it it private property/no trespassing. This trail is close to my house and would be a great place to explore more but I got the feeling I was not supposed to be riding on this trail due to the lack of any trail maintenance,no trespassing signs,and any lack of a legitimate place to park to ride. If anyone else rides this trail please leave your review and what your were able to find out.

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  • bikerjoe170

    Biker joe 170 tried to ride 2/27/11 only rode 1 mile of it had to get off leaves all over the trail and sticks and branches every 50 yards needs maintience

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  • 2crank

    Trail is marked for now due to a recent race, but if you follow that course, it is intended for a certain direction. Otherwise, can be ridden both directions if use bypasses for some parts. Could be a good trail, just needs riding. In fairly decent shape, great rock gardens, some flowy fast sections along with some nice climbs. Mostly singletrack with some sections going through wider "doubletrack" areas, but not a service or fire road or anything. I rode the "wrong" direction and found "STAG" and had to walk up it, 7 tight switchbacks all downhill (uphill if taking the wrong way, as I did) and all on rocks. I feel great potential for fun, just thorns on the trail in spots and spider webs, which are reduced with people riding it.
    HOWEVER, must say, the land on which these trails sit, is owned by Youth Unlimited, which is group homes for troubled teens. Some are there by choice, some by ruling of the court. If you ride there, you really need to check in with someone for safety reasons, and only park where the other staff memebers park.

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