Map of Case Mountain Recreation Area in Manchester, featuring hiking and biking trails. The legend includes symbols for parking, trail types, and points of interest, with marked paths shown in various colors and elevation contours indicating terrain. Important reminders for hikers are noted, such as sharing the trail and preparation tips. The map highlights designated areas, including the summit of Lookout Mountain. Case Mountain mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 33 mi (53.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +358/ -337 ft
Total: 84 riders

Mountain Biking Case Mountain

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#11 of 114 mountain bike trails in Connecticut
#1,631 in the world

I rode Case for the first time last weekend. It is a great place to ride but have your skills ready because you will need them. There are lots of rocks, steep climbs, steep climbs with rocks and stair steps, more rocks, roots, and even a few areas of slick rock. The rocky technical climbs definately seperate the men from the boys. The down hills are screamers. If you want a good chalenge and you're fit then Case is a good ride. Definately not for beginners, unless you want to walk your bike.

Total Miles: 33.26
Elevation Change Feet - about 1000 feet for typical 10 mile loop..

First added by Cyclone on May 23, 2005. Last updated May 6, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Manchester is near Hartford Birch Mountain Road Lot - Route 384 east, exit 4, left at exit over highway, right at light, down hill, under highway, right on birch mountain road.. Travel couple hundred feet, looking for dirt lot on right.. Line Street Lot - 384, exit 3, left at exit, 1.46 miles take a left on LINE STREET, .71 miles, park in first lot on left or on side of road if lot is full.. Some of the information provided was taken from:

Case Mountain Trail map

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Manchester, Connecticut

| 2 mi
Intermediate | 30 mi
Beginner | 10 mi
| 3 mi

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  • OGKushmaster

    Kmart one stop riding! I've been riding case for over 30 years. Its has a little bit of everything. Old school tight tech is why i give it 4 stars instead of 3, and just for the huge amount of track in an area. The newer trails are new school flow trails with no features and could use some work in the design and implementation. Seems they go out of there way to avoid technical features. A for effort for the amount of trail and C for quality.

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  • Rider51

    This is an expansive area with multiple trails of varying length, and challenge. Some of the trails are clearly marked, many are not at all. It's probably best if you go with someone who has been here before. You could probably spend an entire season here, and still not be completely familiar with it. The good news is that both NEMBA and local bike shops tend to have group rides here most weeks from spring through fall.

    When people refer to "Case" they don't just refer to the mountain itself, but the open land all the way south past Municipal, Edmund Gorman, and Coop Rd open spaces, Konsgscut Trust, and Buckingham Reservoir, all the way to Hebron Avenue. In fact, you can also cross Birch Mountain Road and ride down into Gay City State park, and continue on to Black Ledge Falls, all on trail, in the event you still haven't found enough here for you. That's how expansive this area is.

    If you can't wait to ride with a group, or love riding solo, I suggest you start at the north just off Rte 534 at the Case Pond lot and work your way around there using care to not get lost, or start at the south off Hebron and take the first dirt road just off Coop road, park, and ride to and around Buckingham Reservoir and trails near there, paying attention to your surroundings. Getting 15 miles in here and lost could really ruin your day.

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  • Sloant

    The trail are not well marked and I wish I could have experienced them fully.

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  • Jimmy Christensen

    Copy and paste the link below for an awesome highlight video from Case Mountain in Manchester, CT. Mountain biking Case Mountain was an absolute blast and I definitely recommend checking it out if you are in the area! Most of the trails are xc style, but there is around 1,200' of elevation, and 33 miles of trails, so there is plenty to explore! The trails are very well marked and there a ton of super fast trails to fly down with some nice little kickers if you enjoy being air born. I am assuming there is some more chunky stuff than we rode, so I can't wait to go back and explore some more! Enjoy the video and keep riding! I post new videos from different spots in the Northeast every Monday, so be sure to subscribe for more! Link:

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  • *****

    'CaseMart'...?!? Has everything you might be seeking, and is right down the street...?
    Challenges Abound... Yet, I can imagine that there might be some smooth, flowy, relaxing trails - although most are interspersed with Rocks or Roots, or Faster Riders Chasing Me... Plenty of Stuntry to be discovered or encountered, if you are so inclined, yet most of it is 'Natural'...
    'SlickRock' is no longer a 'Challenge To Be Conquered', it is still a Challenge that will separate those who Like to Ride from Those Who RIDE... or are just 'gifted' or something...

    GayCity is easily linked for an even longer, more expansive ride, yet you can ride for double digit hours and discover new trails without linking LongoFarm or GayCity or crossing any pavement...

    Rocks. Roots. Logs. Climbs. Fast. Technical. Challenging. Fun. Local.

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  • Chris Daniels

    Fun trail. Rode here a few times while attending school in Hartford. Probably some of the most tech terrain in the area and quite possibly the best all-around trail in central CT.

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  • Brandon Donnelly

    I love this. I've been riding here since I was ten. I know all the trails here like the back of my hand. I'm still finding new trails.

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  • ****

    This is a very fun place to ride. Lots of options based on your comfort level. My favorite trail once you get to the top is the chimney trail (blue/white > orange yellow.)

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  • eastwood   ✓ supporter

    Serious fun to be had here!! Parking lots were packed so I eventually parked at my third choice by Case Pond. Nicely marked trails - and some well ridden unmarked trails as well. Climbs and descents, rocks and roots, and some steeps! Trails for everyone, technical spots, but overall there is enough going on that you pay attention throughout. This will certainly be a spot I'll hit up whenever I'm visiting family in the area - have more left to explore... and looks like there is opportunity to link trails to neighboring state park.* Review edited 8/15/2010

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