The trail from the electronic site is singletrack and follows the designated Continental Divide Trail route. Posts with the CDT designation are placed sporadically along the trail. The trail may be faint in places due to low use.
This track is for an out and back ride from Grizzly hill for a total distance of 13 miles. Longer rides are possible, just continue riding northward as far as you feel comfortable going.
This is a great hot day ride as the trail runs between 8,400 and 9,100 freet in elevation. Watch the weather forcast for lightning storms as this ride is mostly on top of a mountain ridge.
The trail is probably not snow free until some time in July. Check with the USFS, Leadore Ranger Station for trail and snow conditions. There are great views into Montana and Idaho on this ride. This is range country and cattle may be seen along the trail.
This is a great high elevation intermediate difficulty ride with impressive views. Ride this one as out and back or with a shuttle. Some segments with switchbacks may be difficut to find because of grass growth and little trail use. The trail is there and its rideable but you may have to do a little searching in spots. A map or GPS track is handy. This is great singletrack!
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