Cedar Creek/15-Mile trail photo
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Length: 12 mi (19.3 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +888/ -798 ft
Total: 0 riders

Mountain Biking Cedar Creek/15-Mile

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#105 of 308 mountain bike trails in Oregon
#4,634 in the world

While Cedar Creek and 15-Mile parallel each other coursing down opposite sides of the Fifteen Mile Creek, they are not typical river trails and, instead, require a steep and sustained climbing effort. The two trails share a common pathway for the initial 0.5 miles which then forks high atop either side of the creek's ravine and continue downhill to create an inverse elevation profile. Either direction you choose, you're going down right out the gate with a grueling climb back to the car.
Perched 2,000 feet above the creek, both trails sweep opposite sides of the ravine's steep slope diving and stretching deeper and further into the firmament. Ancient volcanic rock fields stationed on exposed cliffside guard the eastern Oregon expanse almost as if it were Mother Nature's personal watchtower. The ground is a perfect medley of rock, root, needle-pack, volcanic moondust, and black gold. I think "loam" actually sums it up nicely.

The Cedar Creek descent ends with a sharp ridge descent over such an amount of pumice and baby head, I hardly recognized any evidence of a trail before popping back onto clay at Fifteen Mile Creek's river bottom. The initial climb out on the 15-Mile trail begins easy enough, but shortly after the mellow grade ascent, we were met with long stretches of hillside hike-a-bike punctuated by more outcroppings of rock. Once back on top, the trail continues climbing in earnest, but can be done so pedaling all the way back to the car.

First added by Chris Daniels on Sep 30, 2016. Last updated Jul 30, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From Hood River, drive 26 miles to the National Forest Development Rd. 44. Turn east up 44 for 5 miles and turn right onto Dufur Valley Rd. In another 3 miles on Dufur you'll pass the Knebal Springs/8-Mile Trailhead and your next right will be onto Cold Springs Rd. Four miles in on Cold Springs, you'll see a campground and the Fifteen Mile Creek. Parking is limited and you must have a Northwest Forest Pass.
System trails (1)
Intermediate difficultyFifteen Mile Creek*11 mi
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  • tt01

    This is one of the last true mtn bike rides in the area. Similar to Round & Lookout in the Ochocos. Remote, so much variety, ripping downhill when tacky and a grunt of a climb.... and you're likely to see nobody there.
    6 stars

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  • Albert_Berkshire
    Reviewing Fifteen Mile Creek:

    Don't waste your time.

    We drove a long way on a secluded Forestry Road (paved, which was weird) and climbed over about 6 downed trees (huge) in the first 200 meters.

    8 Mile loop is in the same area and we didn't even bother trying to find that trail. We packed up and went to Bend to ride.

    I'm sure Hood River has great riding. We just couldn't find it.

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